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Inhibition of lymphoblast
transformation test (LTT) in
phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) with
Phytolacca americana in
homeopathic dilution

Colas H.,
Aubin M.,
Picard P.,
Lebecq J.C.

Ann. Homéopat.<o:p> </o:p>

Fr., 1975, 6: 1-11.


Lymphoblast<o:p> </o:p>


Inquiry into the limits of biological effects of chemical compounds in tissue culture. I. Low dose effects of mercuric chloride

Mansvelt J.D.,
van Amons E.

Z. Naturtorschung,<o:p> </o:p>
1975, 30:


Lymphocyte<o:p> </o:p>


The effects of Belladonna and Ferrum phosphoricum on the chemoluminescence of human poly-morphonuclear neutrophils

Poitevin B.,
     Aubin M.,
Royer J.F.

Ann. Homéop. Fr.,<o:p> </o:p>

1983, 3: 5-12.


Radical release

Effect of aconitum and veratrum on the isolated perfused heart of the common eel (Anguilla anguilla)

Pennec J.P.,
Aubin M.

Comp. Biochem.<o:p> </o:p>
, 1984,
776: 367-369.


Aconitine toxicity

Elements of homeopathic pharmacology

Aubin M.

Homéopathie Franç., 1984, 72:231- 235


Aconitine toxicity

The effect of homeopathic preparations on the phagocyte activity of granulocytes. In vitro tests and double-blind controlled trials

Wagner H.,
     Jurcic K.,
Doenicke A.,
Rosenhuber E.,
Behrens N.

Forsch./Drug Res.,
1986, 36:



Approach to quantitative analysis of the effect of Apis mellifica on the degranulation of human basophils cultivated in vitro

Poitevin B.,
     Aubin M.,
Benveniste J.

Innov. Tech. Biol.
, 1986, 7:


Basophil<o:p> </o:p>


In vitro stimulation of human granulocytes and lymphocytes by pico- and femtogram quantities of cytostatic agents

Wagner H.,
     Kreher B.,
Jurcic K.

Arzneim. Forsch./Drug Res., 1988, 38: 273-275.


Lymphocyte<o:p> </o:p>


Human basophil degranulation triggered by very dilute antiserum against IgE

Davenas E., Beauvais F., Amara J., Robinson M., Miadonna A., Tedeschi A., Pomeranz B., Fortner P., Belon P., Sainte-Laudy J., Poitevin B., Benveniste J.

Nature, 1988,<o:p> </o:p>

333: 816-818.



In vitro immunological degranulation of human basophils is modulated by lung histamine and Apis mellifica

Poitevin B.,
     Davenas E.,
Benveniste J.

Brit. J. Clin.
, 1988,
25: 439-444.



Cytotoxic agents as immunomodulators

Wagner H.,
Kreher B.

Proc. of the 3rd
GIRI meetin
1989, 31-


Lymphocyte<o:p> </o:p>


Contributions of fundamental research in homeopathy

Boiron J.,
Belon P.

Berl. J. Res. Hom.,
1990, 1: 34-35.



Synergism of action between indoleacetic acid (IAA) and highlydiluted solutions of CaCO3 on the growth of oat coleoptiles

Bornoroni C.

Berl. J. Res. Hom.,
, 1 (4/5): 275-278.


Growth of plant cells

Study of the action of Hahnemannian dilutions of mercury chloride on the mitotic index in animal cell cultures.

Boiron J.,
     Abecassis J.,
Cotte J.,
Bernard A.M.

Ann. Homéop.Fr., 1991, 23:<o:p> </o:p>



Hg toxicity

Dual effects of formylpeptides on the adhesion of endotoxin-primed human neutrophils

Bellavite P.,
     Chirumbolo S.,
Lippi G.,
Andrioli G.,
Bonazzi L.,
Ferro I.

Cell. Biochem.
, 1993, 11: 231-239.


Cell adhesion
(bact. pept.

Effects of homeopathic preparations of organic acids and of minerals on the oxidative metabolism of human neutrophils

Chirumbolo S.,
     Signorini A.,
Bianchi I.,
Lippi G.,
Bellavite P.

Br. Hom. J., 1993,<o:p> </o:p>

82: 227-244.



Platelets/endothelial cells interactions in presence of acetylsalicylic acid at ultra low dose

Lalanne M.C.,
Ramboer I.,
De Seze O.

Omeomed 92 (C.
Bornoroni, ed.),

, Editrice


Prostacyclin<o:p> </o:p>


Effect of high dilutions of epidermal growth factor (EGF) on in vitro proliferation of keratinocyte and fibroblast cell lines

Fougeray S.,
     Moubry K.,
Vallot N.,
Bastide M.

Br. Hom. J., 1993,<o:p> </o:p>

82: 124-125.


Growth of<o:p> </o:p>


Effects of different homeopathic potencies of Lachesis on lymphocyte cultures obtained from rabbit blood

Enbergs H.,
Arndt G.

Biol. Tier., 1993, 4.


Mitotic and
activity (bact. pept

The effect of homeopathic potencies of housedust mite on the migration of house-dust sensitive human leukocytes

Gibson S.L.,
Gibson R.G.

Ther. Med.
, 1996,
4: 169-171.



The effects of Nux vomica Homaccord and Atropinum comp. on intestinal activity in vitro

Kanui T.I.,
Enbergs H.

Biol. Tier., 1996/1, 43-47.


Contraction of
intestinal muscles

Application of flow cytometry to the analysis of the immunosuppressive effect of histamine dilutions on human basophil action: effect ofcimetidine

Sainte-Laudy J.,
Belon P.

Inflamm. Res.,
1997, 46:



Effects of Podophillum pellatum compounds in various preparations and dilutions on human neutrophil functions in vitro

Chirumbolo S.,
     Conforti A.,
Lussignoli S.,
Metelmann H.
et Al.

Br. Hom. J., 1997;<o:p> </o:p>



Release of<o:p> </o:p>


In vivo and in vitro studies on the efficiency of potentized and nonpotentized substances

Harisch G.,
Dittmann J.

BT, 1997, 2;<o:p> </o:p>


Difference between potentised and non-potentised substances

In vivo and in vitro study; basic research

Experiments with the effects of Ubichinon-Injeel and strong Ubichinon-Injeel on an acellular system

Harisch G.,
Dittmann J.

BM, 1997, 3;<o:p> </o:p>


Different effects of associations of various potencies and individual potencies

In vitro study;<o:p> </o:p>

basic research

Efficacy of the homeopathic drugs Suis and Arnica comp.-Heel® on lymphocyte and phagocyte activity

Enbergs H.

BM, 1998, 1;<o:p> </o:p>


Effect of organotherapeutics and Arnica comp. -Heel® on immune system cells

In vitro study;<o:p> </o:p>

basic research

Influence of dilutions and potencies of cAMP on different enzymatic systems

Harisch G.,
Dittmann J.

BM, 1998, 2;<o:p> </o:p>


Effects of dilutions and potencies of cAMP on some enzymatic activities

In vitro study;<o:p> </o:p>

basic research

Studies of the principles of homeopathy; the changeover from in vivo to in vitro experimental research

Harisch G.,
Dittmann J.

BM, 1998, 3;<o:p> </o:p>


Potentised and non-potentised dilutions are equally effective, but have different actions

Basic research

Determination of the activity of acid phosphatase with cAMP at various potencies

Harisch G.,
Dittmann J.

BM, 1999, 1; 4-8.

Different effects on enzymatic activity

In vitro study;
basic research

Contribution to study of the efficacy of homeopathic potencies of phosphorus

Gomez J.C.

BT, 1999, 2; 53-57.

Effect of different potencies of phosphorus

Tests on guinea pigs

Determination of the activity of acid phosphatase in the presence of Ubichinon comp.

Harisch G.,
Dittmann J.

BM, 1999, 4; 188-194.

Effect of enzymatic activity of homeopathic medicine

Basic research

Biochemical efficacy of homeopathic and electronic preparations of D8 potassiumcyanate

Dittmann J.,
     Kanapin H.,
Harisch G.

FKM, 1999, 6; 15-18.

Homeopathic potentisation is more effective than electronic potentisation

Basic research

Osteoporosis in vitro in rat tibia derived osteoblasts is promoted by the homeopathic preparation, FMS Calciumfluor

Palermo C.,
     Filanti C.,
Poggi S.,
Manduca P.

Cell Biol Int, 1999,<o:p> </o:p>

23(1): 31-40.


     (trial with
compound drug)

Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) of homeopathic active constituents

Schmolz M.

BM, 1999, 5;<o:p> </o:p>


Constituents of Arnica comp.- Heel® ointment: electrophoresis accelerates their skin penetration.

Basic research

Effect of homeopathic constituents on enzymatic activity.

Basic research

Efficacy of a potentised homeopathic drug in reducing cytotoxic effects produced by arsenic trioxide in mice

Datta S.,
     Mallick P.,
Khuda Bukhsh A.R.

Complement Ther
, 1999Jan;
7 (8): 62-75


Arsenic trioxide

Efficacy of a potentised homeopathic drug in reducing cytotoxic effects produced by arsenic trioxide in mice

Datta S.,
     Mallick P.,
Khuda Bukhsh A.R.

Complement Ther
, 1999 Sep;
7 (3): 156-63


Arsenic trioxide

Non-cytotoxic antiviral action of a homeopathic drug

Heine H.

Ärzteitschrift fürNeturheilverfahre, 2000; 41: 542-7.


ã interferon<o:p> </o:p>


Efficacy of a potentised homeopathic drug in reducing cytotoxic effects produced by arsenic trioxide in mice

Kundu S.N.,
     Mitra K.,
Khuda Bukhsh A.R.

Complement Ther
, 2000 Sep;
1 (3): 157-65.


Arsenic trioxide

Stimulatory effect of some plant extracts used in homeopathy on the phagocytosis induced chemiluminescence of polymorphonuclear leukocytes

Crocnan D.,
     Greabu M.,
Olinescu R.

Rocz Akad Med
, 2000;
45: 246-254.



Difference between the efficacy of single potencies and chords

Dittmann J.,
Harisch G.

BM, 2000, 1; 18-23.

Potency chords are more effective than single potencies

Basic research

Influence of some homeopathic drugs on the catalytic activity of uricase, acid phosphatase and the cytosol glutathion-S-transferase

Dittmann J.,
Kanapin H.,
Harisch G.

BM, 2000, 3;<o:p> </o:p>


Effect of D8 potencies on three different enzymatic systems

Basic research

Influence of some homeopathic drugs on the catalytic activity of cAMP-dependent protein kinases

Dittmann J.,
     Kanapin H.,
Harisch G.

BM, 2000, 6;<o:p> </o:p>


Effect of different potencies of 5 substances on enzymatic activity

Basic research

Neuroprotection from glutamate toxicity with ultra-low dose glutamate

Jonas W.,
     Lin Y.,
Zortella F.

2001 Feb 92; 12
(2): 335-9.


Glutamate toxicity

 KEY: BT = Biomedical Therapy

BM = Biologische Medizin

FKM = Forschung Komplementär Medizin

Here are some of the studies[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][35][36][35][37][38][39][40][41]


  1. Colas H., Aubin M., Picard P., Lebecq J.C.. "Inhibition of lymphoblast transformation test (LTT) in phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) with Phytolacca americana in homeopathic dilution". Ann. Homéopat. Fr., 1975, 6: 1-11.
  2. Mansvelt J.D., van Amons E. "Inquiry into the limits of biological effects of chemical compounds in tissue culture. I. Low dose effects of mercury chloride". Z. Naturtorschung, 1975, 30: 643-649.
  3. Poitevin B., Aubin M., Royer J.F. "The effects of Belladonna and Ferrum phosphoricum on the chemoluminescence of human poly-morphonuclear neutrophils". Ann. Homéop. Fr., 1983, 3: 5-12.
  4. Pennec J.P., Aubin M. "Effect of aconitum and veratrumon the isolated perfused heart of the common eel (Anguilla anguilla)". Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 1984, 776: 367-369.
  5. Aubin M. "Elements of homeopathic pharmacology". Homéopathie Franç., 1984, 72:231- 235
  6. Wagner H., Jurcic K., Doenicke A., Rosenhuber E., Behrens N. "The effect of homeopathic preparations on the phagocyte activity of granulocytes. In vitro tests and double-blind controlled trials". Arzneim. Forsch./Drug Res., 1986, 36: 1424-1425.
  7. Poitevin B., Aubin M., Benveniste J. "Approach to quantitative analysisof the effect of Apis mellifica on the degranulation of human basophils cultivated in vitro". Innov. Tech. Biol. Med., 1986, 7: 64-68.
  8. Wagner H., Kreher B., Jurcic K. "In vitro stimulation of human granulocytes and lymphocytes by pico- and femtogram quantities of cytostatic agents". Arzneim. Forsch./Drug Res., 1988, 38: 273-275.
  9. Davenas E., Beauvais F., Amara J., Robinson M., Miadonna A., Tedeschi A., Pomeranz B., Fortner P., Belon P., Sainte-Laudy J., Poitevin B., Benveniste J. "Human basophil degranulation triggered by very dilute antiserum against IgE". Nature, 1988, 333: 816-818.
  10. Poitevin B., Davenas E., Benveniste J. "In vitro immunologicaldegranulation of human basophilsis modulated by lung histamine and Apis mellifica". Brit. J. Clin. Pharmacol., 1988, 25: 439-444.
  11. Wagner H., Kreher B. "Cytotoxic agents as immunomodulators". Proceedings of the 3rd GIRI meeting, Paris, 1989, 31-46.
  12. Boiron J., Belon P. "Contributions of fundamental research in homeopathy". Berl. J. Res. Hom., 1990, 1: 34-35.
  13. Bornoroni C. "Synergism of action between indoleacetic acid (IAA) and highly diluted solutions of CaCO3 on the growth of oat coleoptiles". Berl. J. Res. Hom., 1991, 1 (4/5): 275-278.
  14. Boiron J., Abecassis J., Cotte J., Bernard A.M. "Study of the action of Hahnemannian dilutions of mercury chloride on the mitotic index in animal cell cultures.". Ann. Homéop.Fr., 1991, 23: 43-49.
  15. Bellavite P., Chirumbolo S., Lippi G., Andrioli G., Bonazzi L., Ferro I. "Dual effects of formylpeptides on the adhesion of endotoxin-primed human neutrophils". Cell. Biochem. Funct., 1993, 11: 231-239
  16. Chirumbolo S., Signorini A., Bianchi I., Lippi G., Bellavite P. "Effects of homeopathic preparations of organic acids and of minerals on the oxidative metabolism of human neutrophils". Br. Hom. J., 1993, 82: 227-244.
  17. Doutremepuich C., Lalanne M.C., Ramboer I., Sertillanges M.N., De Seze O. "Platelets/endothelial cells interactions in presence of acetylsalicylic acid at ultra low dose". Omeomed 92 (C. Bornoroni, ed.), 1993, Editrice Compositori, Bologna: 109-115.
  18. Fougeray S., Moubry K., Vallot N., Bastide M. "Effect of high dilutions of epidermal growth factor (EGF) on in vitro proliferation of keratinocyte and fibroblast cell lines". Br. Hom. J., 1993, 82: 124-125.
  19. Enbergs H., Arndt G. "Effects of different homeopathic potencies of Lachesis on lymphocyte cultures obtained from rabbit blood". Biol. Tier., 1993, 4.
  20. Gibson S.L., Gibson R.G. "The effect of homeopathic potencies of house dust mite on the migration of house-dust sensitive human leukocytes". Complement. Ther. Med., 1996, 4: 169-171.
  21. Kanui T.I., Enbergs H. "The effects of Nux vomica, Homaccord and Atropinum comp. on intestinal activity in vitro". Biol. Tier., 1996/1, 43-47
  22. Sainte-Laudy J., Belon P. "Application of flow cytometry to the analysis of the immunosuppressive effect of histamine dilutions on human basophil action: effect of cimetidine". Inflamm. Res., 1997, 46: S27-S28.
  23. Chirumbolo S., Conforti A., Lussignoli S., Metelmann H. et Al. "Effects of Podophyllum peltatum compounds in various preparations and dilutions on human neutrophil functions in vitro". Br. Hom. J., 1997; 86-16.
  24. Harisch G., Dittmann J. "In vivo and in vitro studies on the efficiency of potentized and nonpotentized substances". BT, 1997, 2; 40-46.
  25. Harisch G., Dittmann J. "Experiments with the effects of Ubichinon-Injeel and strong Ubichinon-Injeel on an acellular system". BM, 1997, 3; 99-104.
  26. Enbergs H. "Efficacy of the homeopathic drugs Suis and Arnica comp.-Heel® on lymphocyte and phagocyte activity". BM, 1998, 1; 3-11.
  27. Harisch G., Dittmann J. "Influence of dilutions and potencies of cAMP on different enzymatic systems". BM, 1998, 2; 55-62.
  28. Harisch G., Dittmann J. "Studies of the principles of homeopathy; the change over from in vivo to in vitro experimental research". BM, 1998, 2; 55-62.
  29. Harisch G., Dittmann J. "Determination of the activity of acid phosphatase with cAMP at various potencies". BM, 1999, 1; 4-8.
  30. Gomez J.C. "Contribution to study of the efficacy of homeopathic potencies of phosphorus". BT, 1999, 2; 53-57.
  31. Harisch G., Dittmann J. "Determination of the activity of acid phosphatase in the presence of Ubichinon comp.". BM, 1999, 4; 188-194.
  32. Dittmann J., Kanapin H., Harisch G. "Biochemical efficacy of homeopathic and electronic preparations of D8 potassium cyanate". FKM, 1999, 6; 15-18.
  33. Palermo C., Filanti C., Poggi S., Manduca P. "Osteoporosis in vitro in rat tibia derived osteoblasts is promoted by the homeopathic preparation, FMS Calciumfluor". Cell Biol Int, 1999, 23(1): 31-40.
  34. Schmolz M. "Thin-layer chromatography (TLC)of homeopathic active constituents". BM, 1999, 5; 248-250.
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 Datta S., Mallick P., Khuda Bukhsh A.R. "Efficacy of a potentised homeopathic drug in reducing cytotoxic effects produced by arsenic trioxide in mice". Complement Ther Med, 1999Jan; 7 (8): 62-75 (a). Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "Efficacy of a potentised homeopathic drug in reducing cytotoxic effects produced by arsenic trioxide in mice" defined multiple times with different content Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "Efficacy of a potentised homeopathic drug in reducing cytotoxic effects produced by arsenic trioxide in mice" defined multiple times with different content
  36. Heine H. "Non-cytotoxic antiviral action of a homeopathic drug". Ärzteitschrift fürNeturheilverfahre, 2000; 41: 542-7.
  37. Crocnan D., Greabu M., Olinescu R. "Stimulatory effect of some plant extracts used in homeopathy on the phagocytosis induced chemiluminescence of polymorphonuclear leukocytes". Rocz Akad Med Biochemist, 2000; 45: 246-254.
  38. Dittmann J., Harisch G. "Difference between the efficacy of single potencies and chords". BM, 2000, 1; 18-23.
  39. Dittmann J., Kanapin H., Harisch G. "Influence of some homeopathic drugs on the catalytic activity of uricase, acid phosphatase and thecytosol glutathion-S-transferase". BM, 2000, 3; 125-131
  40. Dittmann J., Kanapin H., Harisch G. "Influence of some homeopathic drugs on the catalytic activity of cAMP-dependent protein kinases". BM, 2000, 6; 289-296.
  41. Jonas W., Lin Y., Zortella F. "Neuroprotection from glutamatetoxicity with ultra-low dose glutamate". Neuroreport, 2001 Feb 92; 12 (2): 335-9.