Gyrification/Addendum: Difference between revisions

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imported>Daniel Mietchen
imported>Daniel Mietchen
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Revision as of 16:10, 26 December 2008

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This addendum is a continuation of the article Gyrification.

Commonly used measures of the exent of cortical folding include:

  • :
    • , with being the Gaussian curvature, computed from the two principal curvatures and
    • , with being the Mean curvature and the area of the surface in question
  • Folding index
    • , with
  • Intrinsic curvature index
    • , with being the positive Gaussian curvature
  • Gyrification index
    • , with indicating the number of the slice, and and being the pial surface area in that slice and the surface area of the boundary between gray matter and cerebrospinal fluid, respectively
  • Gyrification-White index
    • , with being the surface area of the boundary between gray matter and white matter
  • White matter folding
    • , with being the volume of the white matter
  • Cortical complexity
  • Fractal dimension
  • Global gyrification index
  • Local gyrification index
  • Shape index
  • Curvedness
  • Roundness