User:John Leach/Checklist: Difference between revisions

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The purpose of this list is to check the content, talk, definition and RA of each article to ensure it is fit for purpose. Many of these may end up in PD or even SD.
Articles in this list need to be reviewed because they potentially contain incorrect data and may contravene site policies. If anyone else should assist with the review process, please check the content, talk, definition and RA of each article to ensure all are fit for purpose.  
Any article which fails review and cannot easily be amended or recreated must be added to the Proposed Deletion queue.

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Revision as of 02:19, 22 February 2024

Articles in this list need to be reviewed because they potentially contain incorrect data and may contravene site policies. If anyone else should assist with the review process, please check the content, talk, definition and RA of each article to ensure all are fit for purpose.

Any article which fails review and cannot easily be amended or recreated must be added to the Proposed Deletion queue.

1 2 3 4 5
1948 Arab-Israeli War 1998 bombings of U.S. Embassies in Africa 2004 Madrid bombings 2009 Afghanistan presidential election 82nd Airborne Division
9-11 conspiracy theory AN- Abdullah Azzam Abraham Abrahamic religion
Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi Abu Musab al-Zarqawi Adnan Oktar Afghanistan Afghanistan War (2001-2021)
Africa Ahmed Agiza Al Jazira Al-Aqsa television Al-Jazeera
Al-Qaeda Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula Al-Shabaab (insurgency) Al-wala’ wa’l-bara’ Albania
Algerian Six Ali Mohamed Alphabet Ameinu American Association of University Professors
American Civil Liberties Union American Israel Public Affairs Committee American Public Health Association American exceptionalism Americans for Peace Now
Aminah McCloud Amnon Lipkin-Shahak Angel Anita Hill Ansar al-Islam
Anthony Beilenson Anti-Defamation League Antisemitism Anwar al-Aulaqi Arab
Arabic language Arik Ascherman Articles of Faith Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa
Ayman al-Zawahiri Baha'i Faith Barnett Rubin Barry Block Ben Salomon
Benjamin Barber Bernard Avishai Bernard Lewis Boaz Ganor Bosnia and Herzegovina
Brandeis University Brian Drinkwine Brigitte Gabriel Brit Tzedek v'Shalom Buddha
C3I-ISR Caliphate Campaign for America's Future Campus Watch Cape Cod Medical Reserve Corps
Carl Ernst Center for a New American Security Charles Krauthammer Chechnya China
Circumcision Clandestine human-source intelligence Cochin Royal Family Coexistence Trust Cognitive traps for intelligence analysis
Colette Avital Command and control computer networks Congressional Rural Healthcare Coalition Conservapedia
Constitution Project Counterterrorism Cruiser Côte d'Ivoire DBANABASIS
DEC Daniel Pipes Danny Yatom Dar al-Islam David Avital
David Baltimore David Kimche David Politzer DePaul University Deism
Destroyer Diana Aviv Diplomats and Military Commanders for Change Dolores Beilenson Domain Name System
Dominionism Edward L. Richmond Jr. Egypt Electronic warfare Eli Pariser
Emergency Committee for Israel Emma Sky England Ethernet Eti Livni
Europe Euthanasia Explosives Extrajudicial detention Extraordinary rendition
Extraordinary rendition, U.S. Extraordinary rendition, U.S., Bill Clinton Administration Far enemy Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002
Feminist Sexual Ethics Project Fernando Reinares Fiber Distributed Data Interface Financial intelligence Folk saint
Franklin Fisher Fred Halliday Free will Frontpage Magazine Fundamentalism
Galia Golan Gary Ackerman General Intelligence Department (Saudi Arabia) Geography George Miller
George Santayana George Soros Ghana Ghazni Province Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
Globalization God Goldstone Report Guy Gabaldon Habonim Dror
Haim Assa Hajj Hamas Hannah Rosenthal Hassan Abbas
Hassan al-Turabi Helmand Province Henry L. Stimson Center Herat Herbert Okun
Herzl Spiro Heythrop College Hezbollah High Value Detainee Hinduism
History of Egypt History of India History of political thought Hizb ut-Tahir Homosexuality
Hosni Mubarak Howard Berman Huston Plan IBM IETF
Ibadi Ibn Tamiyya Ibrahim Hooper Ibrahim al-Banna Icelandic Modern Media Initiative
Incident Command System Incident command system India Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers Institute for Social Policy and Understanding
Intelligence analysis Intelligence cycle management Intelligence interrogation, U.S. Intelligence interrogation, U.S., George W. Bush Administration Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
Interest group International Center for the Study of Radicalisation International Organization for Standardization Internet Engineering Task Force Internet Research Task Force
Interrogation Iran Iran-Contra Affair Iraq Iraq War, insurgency
Ireland (state) Irene Khan Irwin Rose Islam Islamabad
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan Islamic Party of Afghanistan Islamic Society of North America Islamic sectarian conflict Islamist
Islamist Watch Islamofascism Islamophobia Islamophobia Watch Israel
Israel Policy Forum Israel-Palestine conflict Israela Oron J Street Jahiliyya
Jaish-e-Mohammed Jalalabad Jamaat al-Islamiyya Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan Jeffrey Goldberg
Jennifer Rubin Jeremy Ben-Ami Jerusalem Jesus Jesus in Islam
Jewish Labor Committee Jewish Voice for Peace Jewish views of Jesus Jihad Jihad vs. McWorld: How Globalism and Tribalism are Reshaping the World
Jill Iscol Jim McDermott Jon Kyl Jordan Juan Williams
Juan Zarate Judaism Judith Barnett Karaites Ken Livingstone
Kenneth Adelman Kenneth Bob Kerala Khaled al Fawwaz Khost
Knights Templar Kochi, Kerala Kuffar Kuwait La ilaha illa Allah
Lakshadweep Lashkar e-Tayyiba Latin America Law Leaderless resistance
Lebanon Library Lincoln Chafee Linguistic prescriptivism Lodhi
Madrassa Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Manichaean paranoia Marc Abrams Marcia Freedman
Marji'iyya Mark Schneider Marriage (institution) Mary Jo Kilroy Matthew Diaz
Mazen Asbahi Mecca Medina, Saudi Arabia Mentally healthy mind Michael Scheuer
Middle East Middle East Media Research Institute Middle East Studies Association Milestones Militant Islam Monitor
Military staff Millennium Plot, United States Millennium Plot, United States of America Milton Viorst Mohamed et al. v. Jeppesen Dataplan, Inc.
Monotheism Morton Halperin Moses Mossad Muhammad
Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab Mujahedeen Mumbai Muslim Muslim American
Muslim Public Affairs Council Mysticism NEFA Foundation Nangarhar Province National intelligence organizations
National security Near enemy Netherlands New Organizing Institute Nguyen Hue
Nicholas Veliotes Nidal Hasan No true Scotsman North American Network Operators Group OSI model
Office of Special Plans Oman Omar Abdel-Rahman Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model Open source intelligence
Open standards Operation DESERT SHIELD Operation ODYSSEY DAWN Organization of the Islamic Conference Origins and architecture of the Taj Mahal
Osama Abu-Irshaid Osama bin Laden Pakistan Paktika Province
Pamela Geller Pantheism Paula Stern People's Republic of China Periodic Review Board
Periodic Review Secretariat Persian language Peshawar Peshawar Seven Peter Edelman
Philip Giraldi Pig (domestic) Pilgrimage Policy Planning Staff Political philosophy
Polygamy Polytheism Prayer Protests against the Iraq War Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Pythagoras Qatar Qom Qur'an ROCKSTARS (Iraq War)
Radical Islamism Radicalization Ramakrishna Ramzi Yousef Religion
Religion in the United States Republic of Yemen Republican Party (United States) Richard Bernstein Robert Pastor
Robert Pelletreau Robert Spencer Royal Navy Sabbath Salafism
Salat Salman Awdah Same-sex marriage Sami Mohy El Din Muhammed Al Hajj Samuel Huntington
Sant Mat Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabian National Guard Sayyid Qutb Scott Atran
Self-radicalization Shahadah Shahnameh Sharia Shaul Arieli
Shi'a Islam Shi'ite Shlomo Ben Ami Shlomo Gazit Sidney Topol
Soul Sri Lanka State of Iran State secrets privilege Steve Masters
Stuart Appelbaum Sudan Sufism Sulaiman Abu Ghaith Sunni
Sykes-Picot Agreement Syria Tajik alphabet Takfir Taliban
Tanzania Tariq Ramadan Tawhid Tea Party movement Ted Kattouf
Terrorism Terrorism and U.S. Intelligence Terrorism and U.S. Intelligence (1970-2004) Thailand The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy The Satanic Verses (novel) Theology Tom Allen Tom Charles Huston
Tony Richie Tool Torture Treaty Tribe
Turkey Turki al-Faisal Twelver U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia U.S. Intelligence and terrorism in the 1980s
U.S. Intelligence and terrorism in the 1990s U.S. intelligence activities in Africa U.S.-Iran Hostilities during the Iran-Iraq War Uighur United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom Uzi Baram Vasco da Gama Vegetarianism Vessel monitoring system
Vietnam War Wahhabism War on terror Wars of Vietnam Warship
Week West Bank Western civilization Westernization Wilayat al-faqih
William Harrop Wyche Fowler XVIII Airborne Corps Yemen YouTube
Young Americans for Freedom Yusuf Zahab Yusuf al-Qaradawi Zakat Zaky Mallah
Zambia Zionism Zionist Organization of America Zoroastrianism