User:John Leach/Checklist: Difference between revisions

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Articles listed in this table need to be reviewed because they potentially contain incorrect data and may contravene site policies. If anyone else should assist with the review process, please check the content, talk, definition and RA of each article to ensure all are fit for purpose.
* [[User:John Leach/workshop1|workshop1]] | [[User:John Leach/workshop2|workshop2]] | [[User:John Leach/workshop3|workshop3]] | [[User:John Leach/workshop4|workshop4]] | [[User:John Leach/workshop/todo|to do]] | [[User:John Leach/Checklist|checklist]] | [[User:John Leach/Afghanistan|Afghanistan]] | [[User:John Leach/Iraq|Iraq]]

Following this triage level of review, articles will be added to one or more of '''[[:Category:Living Person|living]]''', '''[[:Category:Flagged for Review|flagged]]''', '''[[:Category:Reviewed Passed if Improved|improve]]''', or '''[[:Category:Reviewed Passed|passed]]''', as appropriate. Articles added to the latter category will be marked  '''PASS''' below, pending table update.  
Articles listed on this page are under review because they potentially contravene site policies; they may contain false or misleading information; they may be badly written (e.g., past events in present tense); or they may be otherwise unsuitable for this site. If anyone else should assist with the review process, please check the content, talk, definition and RA of each article to ensure all are fit for purpose.
Any article which fails this triage review and cannot easily be amended or recreated will go to [[:Category:Articles for deletion|Proposed Deletion]]; or, if it should in any way undermine the site's credibility or integrity, to [[:Category:Speedy Deletion Requests|Speedy Deletion]].

Any article which fails review and cannot easily be amended or recreated will be added to the Proposed Deletion queue. If the article is a hoax or is in some way a potential hazard, it will be recommended for Speedy Deletion. All PD/SD articles will be marked '''FAIL''' below, pending table update.  
Articles which pass triage without issues will be added to [[:Category:Reviewed Passed]] and, if a BLP, to [[:Category:Living Person]]. If the article needs a more comprehensive review, it will be added to one of [[:Category:Flagged for Review]] or [[:Category:Reviewed Passed if Improved]], as appropriate; again, if a BLP, it will be added to [[:Category:Living Person]].

{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:0.75vw"
For the foreseeable future, triage will be limited to articles which are primarily in the [[:Category:Military Workgroup|military]] and [[:Category:Politics Workgroup|politics]] workgroups. There is inevitable overspill from these two into [[:Category:Chemistry Workgroup|chemistry]], [[:Category:Computers Workgroup|computing]], [[:Category:Engineering Workgroup|engineering]], [[:Category:Geography Workgroup|geography]], and [[:Category:History Workgroup|history]]. All articles in those groups will be reviewed in a later triage phase. At any one time, a suggested maximum of 300 articles will be in triage and the goal is to review thirty per day.
| '''1''' || '''2''' || '''3''' || '''4''' || '''5'''
| [[1948 Arab-Israeli War]]
| [[1993 World Trade Center bombing]]
| [[1996 Khobar Towers bombing]]
| [[1998 bombings of U.S. Embassies in Africa]]
| [[2000 attack on USS Cole]]
| [[2004 Madrid bombings]]
| [[2008 United States presidential election]]
| [[2009 Afghanistan presidential election]]
| [[2009 Afghanistan presidential election, campaign]]
| [[2013 Nairobi shopping mall attack]]
| [[5th Special Forces Group]]
| [[75th Ranger Regiment]]
| [[82nd Airborne Division]]
| [[9-11 Attack|9/11]] '''PASS'''
| [[9-11 conspiracy theory]] '''FAIL'''
| [[9K31 Strela-1]]
| [[9K32M Strela-2]]
| [[A Ticking Time Bomb]]
| [[AC-130]]
| [[AN-]]
| [[AQAP]]
| [[Aafia Siddique]]
| [[Abdel Bari Atwan]]
| [[Abdul Ghafoor Zori]]
| [[Abdul Haq (Uighur)]]
| [[Abdul Haq (disambiguation)]]
| [[Abdul Majid al-Zindani]]
| [[Abdul Rashid Dostum]]
| [[Abdullah Abdullah]]
| [[Abdullah Azzam]]
| [[Abraham]]
| [[Abrahamic religion]]
| [[Abu Ayoub al-Iraqi]]
| [[Abu Musab al-Suri]]
| [[Abu Nidal Organization]]
| [[Abu Sulaiman al-Makki]]
| [[Abu Yahya al-Libi]]
| [[Abu Zubaydah]]
| [[Adam Gadahn]]
| [[Adam Pearlman]]
| [[Aden]]
| [[Adnan Oktar]]
| [[Afghan Arab]]
| [[Afghan Security Forces]]
| [[Afghan and Pakistani local forces]]
| [[Afghanistan]]
| [[Afghanistan Civil War (1989-1994)]]
| [[Afghanistan High Peace Council]]
| [[Afghanistan War (1978-92)]]
| [[Afghanistan War (2001-), major combat phase]]
| [[Afghanistan War (2001-2021)]]
| [[Afghanistan War (disambiguation)]]
| [[Africa]]
| [[Ahcene Zemiri]]
| [[Ahmad Shah Massoud]]
| [[Ahmed Agiza]]
| [[Ahmed Chalabi]]
| [[Ahmed Jan Akhunzada]]
| [[Ahmed Ressam]]
| [[Ahmed Said al-Khadr]]
| [[Air Force Special Operations Command]]
| [[Al Jazira]]
| [[Al-Aqsa television]]
| [[Al-Jazeera]]
| [[Al-Qaeda]]
| [[Al-Qaeda in Iraq]]
| [[Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula]]
| [[Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb]]
| [[Al-Shabaab (insurgency)]]
| [[Al-Shabab (disambiguation)]]
| [[Albania]]
| [[Algeria]]
| [[Algerian Six]]
| [[Ali Mohamed]]
| [[Alphabet]]
| [[Ameinu]]
| [[America United (fireboat)]]
| [[America at the Crossroads: Democracy, Power, and the Neoconservative Legacy]]
| [[American Association of University Professors]]
| [[American Center for Law and Justice]]
| [[American Civil Liberties Union]]
| [[American Israel Public Affairs Committee]]
| [[American exceptionalism]]
| [[Americans for Peace Now]]
| [[Aminah McCloud]]
| [[Ammar al-Baluchi]]
| [[Amnon Lipkin-Shahak]]
| [[Anand Gopal (journalist)]]
| [[Andrew Bacevich]]
| [[Angel]]
| [[Anita Hill]]
| [[Ansar al-Sunna]]
| [[Anthony Beilenson]]
| [[Anti-Defamation League]]
| [[Antisemitism]]
| [[Anwar al-Aulaqi]]
| [[Arab]]
| [[Arab Spring]]
| [[Arabic language]]
| [[Arik Ascherman]]
| [[Articles of Faith]]
| [[Ashraf Ghani]]
| [[Assault Breacher Vehicle]]
| [[Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs]]
| [[Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa]]
| [[Asymmetrical warfare]]
| [[Authorization for the Use of Military Force]]
| [[Ayman al-Zawahiri]]
| [[Azerbaijan]]
| [[Azzam the American]]
| [[BLU-121]]
| [[Bagram Airfield]]
| [[Baha'i Faith]]
| [[Barak Mendelsohn]]
| [[Barnett Rubin]]
| [[Barry Block]]
| [[Battle of Kunduz]]
| [[Beard]]
| [[Ben Salomon]]
| [[Benazir Bhutto]]
| [[Benjamin Barber]]
| [[Bernard Avishai]]
| [[Bernard Lewis]]
| [[Bill Roggio]]
| [[Binyam Ahmed Mohammad]]
| [[Biographical intelligence]]
| [[Bisher Amin Khalil al-Rawi]]
| [[Bismullah v. Gates]]
| [[Blood diamonds]]
| [[Boaz Ganor]]
| [[Bob Woodward]]
| [[Boobytrap]]
| [[Bosnia and Herzegovina]]
| [[Brandeis University]]
| [[Brigitte Gabriel]]
| [[Brit Tzedek v'Shalom]]
| [[Buddha]]
| [[Burke-class]]
| [[C3I-ISR]]
| [[Caliphate]]
| [[Campaign for America's Future]]
| [[Campus Watch]]
| [[Carl Ernst]]
| [[Center for a New American Security]]
| [[Charles Krauthammer]]
| [[Chechnya]]
| [[Chemical terrorism]]
| [[China]]
| [[Circumcision]]
| [[Clandestine cell system]]
| [[Clandestine human-source intelligence]]
| [[Clandestine human-source intelligence and covert action]]
| [[Clandestine human-source intelligence operational techniques]]
| [[Claudia Rosett]]
| [[Cochin Royal Family]]
| [[Coexistence Trust]]
| [[Cofer Black]]
| [[Cognitive traps for intelligence analysis]]
| [[Colette Avital]]
| [[Colin Rutherford]]
| [[Combat search and rescue]]
| [[Combatant Status Review Tribunal]]
| [[Command and control]]
| [[Computer network|computer networks]]
| [[Congressional Rural Healthcare Coalition]]
| [[Conservapedia]]
| [[Constitution Project]]
| [[Counterinsurgency]]
| [[Counterterrorism]]
| [[Counterterrorism Center]]
| [[Covert action]]
| [[Cruiser]]
| [[Cult]]
| [[Côte d'Ivoire]]
| [[Dan McNeill]]
| [[Daniel Byman]]
| [[Daniel Pipes]]
| [[Daniel Senor]]
| [[Danny Yatom]]
| [[Dar al-Hijrah]]
| [[Dar al-Islam]]
| [[David Avital]]
| [[David Baltimore]]
| [[David Kilcullen]]
| [[David Kimche]]
| [[David Politzer]]
| [[David Wurmser]]
| [[DePaul University]]
| [[Deism]]
| [[Dell Dailey]]
| [[Destroyer]]
| [[Diana Aviv]]
| [[Diego Garcia]]
| [[Diplomats and Military Commanders for Change]]
| [[Director of Central Intelligence]]
| [[Dolores Beilenson]]
| [[Domain Name System]]
| [[Dominionism]]
| [[Donald Rumsfeld]]
| [[Douglas Farah]]
| [[Douglas Feith]]
| [[Durrani]]
| [[East Turkestan Independence Movement]]
| [[East Turkestan Islamic Movement]]
| [[East Turkistan Organization]]
| [[Edward L. Richmond Jr.]]
| [[Egypt]]
| [[Electronic warfare]]
| [[Eli Pariser]]
| [[Emergency Committee for Israel]]
| [[Emma Sky]]
| [[Enemy combatant]]
| [[England]]
| [[Enhanced interrogation techniques]]
| [[Ethernet]]
| [[Eti Livni]]
| [[Europe]]
| [[Euthanasia]]
| [[Explosives]]
| [[Extrajudicial detention]]
| [[Extrajudicial detention, U.S.]]
| [[Extraordinary rendition]]
| [[Extraordinary rendition, U.S.]]
| [[Extraordinary rendition, U.S., Bill Clinton Administration]]
| [[Extraordinary rendition, U.S., George W. Bush Administration]]
| [[Far enemy]]
| [[Farah Province]]
| [[Fazul Abdullah Mohammed]]
| [[Federal Bureau of Investigation]]
| [[Federal Emergency Management Agency]]
| [[Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002]]
| [[Feminist Sexual Ethics Project]]
| [[Fernando Reinares]]
| [[Field Manual 3-24: Counterinsurgency]]
| [[Financial intelligence]]
| [[Fireboats on the Mississippi River system]]
| [[Folk saint]]
| [[Foreign internal defense operations]]
| [[Franklin Fisher]]
| [[Fred Halliday]]
| [[Frederick Kagan]]
| [[Free will]]
| [[Frontpage Magazine]]
| [[Fundamentalism]]
| [[Galia Golan]]
| [[Gardez]]
| [[Gary Ackerman]]
| [[Gaza Strip]]
| [[General Intelligence Department (Saudi Arabia)]]
| [[Geography]]
| [[George Miller]]
| [[George Soros]]
| [[George Tenet]]
| [[George W. Bush]]
| [[Georgetown University]]
| [[Ghana]]
| [[Ghazni Province]]
| [[Ghilzai]]
| [[Gian Gentile]]
| [[Gibraltar]]
| [[Global Maritime Distress and Safety System]]
| [[Globalization]]
| [[God]]
| [[Goldstone Report]]
| [[Gregory Johnsen]]
| [[Guy Gabaldon]]
| [[Habonim Dror]]
| [[Haim Assa]]
| [[Haji Bismullah]]
| [[Hajj]]
| [[Hamas]]
| [[Hamdan v. Rumsfeld]]
| [[Hamid Gul]]
| [[Hamid Karzai]]
| [[Hank Crumpton]]
| [[Hannah Rosenthal]]
| [[Harakat ul-Jihad-I-Islami]]
| [[Hassan Abbas]]
| [[Hassan al-Turabi]]
| [[Hazara]]
| [[Heavy Equipment Transporter System]]
| [[Helmand Province]]
| [[Henry L. Stimson Center]]
| [[Herat]]
| [[Herbert Okun]]
| [[Herzl Spiro]]
| [[Heythrop College]]
| [[Hezbollah]]
| [[High Value Detainee]]
| [[Hinduism]]
| [[History of Egypt]]
| [[History of India]]
| [[History of political thought]]
| [[Hizb ut-Tahir]]
| [[Homosexuality]]
| [[Hosni Mubarak]]
| [[Howard Berman]]
| [[Huston Plan]]
| [[Huzaifa Parhat]]
| [[IBM]]
| [[IETF]]
| [[Ibadi]]
| [[Ibn Tamiyya]]
| [[Ibrahim Hooper]]
| [[Ibrahim al-Banna]]
| [[Icelandic Modern Media Initiative]]
| [[Imad Kanouni]]
| [[Incident Command System]]
| [[Incident command system]]
| [[India]]
| [[Indonesia]]
| [[Informal value transfer system]]
| [[Information operations]]
| [[Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers]]
| [[Institute for Social Policy and Understanding]]
| [[Insurgency]]
| [[Intelligence analysis]]
| [[Intelligence cycle management]]
| [[Intelligence interrogation, U.S.]]
| [[Intelligence interrogation, U.S., George W. Bush Administration]]
| [[Inter-Services Intelligence]]
| [[Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya]]
| [[Interest group]]
| [[International Center for the Study of Radicalisation]]
| [[International Organization for Standardization]]
| [[International Security Assistance Force]]
| [[Internet Engineering Task Force]]
| [[Interrogation]]
| [[Investigative Project on Terrorism]]
| [[Iran]]
| [[Iran-Contra Affair]]
| [[Iraq]]
| [[Iraq Study Group]]
| [[Iraq War]]
| [[Iraq War, Surge]]
| [[Iraq War, insurgency]]
| [[Iraq War, origins of invasion]]
| [[Iraq War, theater operational planning]]
| [[Ireland (state)]]
| [[Irene Khan]]
| [[Irwin Rose]]
| [[Islam]] '''PASS'''
| [[Islamabad]]
| [[Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan]]
| [[Islamic Party of Afghanistan]]
| [[Islamic Society of North America]]
| [[Islamic State (organization)]]
| [[Islamic sectarian conflict]]
| [[Islamist]]
| [[Islamist Watch]]
| [[Islamofascism]]
| [[Islamophobia]]
| [[Islamophobia Watch]]
| [[Ismail Khan]]
| [[Israel]]
| [[Israel Policy Forum]]
| [[Israela Oron]]
| [[J Street]]
| [[Jack Cloonan]]
| [[Jack Keane]]
| [[Jahiliyya]]
| [[Jaish-e-Mohammed]]
| [[Jalalabad]]
| [[Jamaat-i-Islami]]
| [[Jamal al-Fadl]]
| [[James N. Miller]]
| [[James Pavitt]]
| [[Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan]]
| [[Jamiat-ul-Ulama-i-Islam]]
| [[Jarret Brachman]]
| [[Jeffrey Goldberg]]
| [[Jennifer Rubin]]
| [[Jeremy Ben-Ami]]
| [[Jerusalem]]
| [[Jesus]]
| [[Jesus in Islam]]
| [[Jewish Labor Committee]]
| [[Jewish Voice for Peace]]
| [[Jewish views of Jesus]]
| [[Jihad]]
| [[Jihad vs. McWorld: How Globalism and Tribalism are Reshaping the World]]
| [[Jill Iscol]]
| [[Jim McDermott]]
| [[John Brennan]]
| [[John Mulholland]]
| [[John O'Neill]]
| [[Jon Kyl]]
| [[Jordan]]
| [[Jose Padilla]]
| [[Joseph Hickman (American soldier)]]
| [[Juan Williams]]
| [[Juan Zarate]]
| [[Judaism]]
| [[Judith Barnett]]
| [[Kalev Sepp]]
| [[Karaites]]
| [[Kashmir]]
| [[Ken Livingstone]]
| [[Kenneth Adelman]]
| [[Kenneth Bob]]
| [[Kenya]]
| [[Kerala]]
| [[Kevin C. Kane (fireboat)]]
| [[Khaldan training camp]]
| [[Khaled al Fawwaz]]
| [[Khalid al-Hubayshi]]
| [[Khalid al-Mihdhar]]
| [[Khallad]]
| [[Khost]]
| [[Kirk Lippold]]
| [[Knights Templar]]
| [[Kochi, Kerala]]
| [[Kuffar]]
| [[Kuwait]]
| [[Kyrgyzstan]]
| [[L'Houssaine Kherchtou]]
| [[La ilaha illa Allah]]
| [[Lakhdar Brahimi]]
| [[Lakshadweep]]
| [[Lashkar e-Tayyiba]]
| [[Lashkar-e-Jhangvi]]
| [[Latin America]]
| [[Law]]
| [[Lawfare]]
| [[Lawful combatant]]
| [[Leaderless resistance]]
| [[Lebanon]]
| [[Library]]
| [[Lillie]]
| [[Lincoln Chafee]]
| [[Linguistic prescriptivism]]
| [[Lodhi]]
| [[Lowy Institute for International Policy]]
| [[MQ-1 Predator]]
| [[Madrassa]]
| [[Mahmoud Abbas]]
| [[Mahmoud Ahmadinejad]]
| [[Malala Yousafzai]]
| [[Manichaean paranoia]]
| [[Marc Abrams]]
| [[Marc Lynch]]
| [[Marcia Freedman]]
| [[Marcy Borders]]
| [[Marji'iyya]]
| [[Mark Schneider]]
| [[Marriage (institution)]]
| [[Mary Jo Kilroy]]
| [[Matthew Diaz]]
| [[Mazar-e-Sharif]]
| [[Mazen Asbahi]]
| [[Mecca]]
| [[Medina, Saudi Arabia]]
| [[Mentally healthy mind]]
| [[Michael Ignatieff]]
| [[Michael O'Hanlon]]
| [[Michael Repass]]
| [[Michael Scheuer]]
| [[Michelle Flournoy]]
| [[Middle East]]
| [[Middle East Media Research Institute]]
| [[Middle East Studies Association]]
| [[Mike Cabana]]
| [[Mike DeLong]]
| [[Militant Islam Monitor]]
| [[Military Commissions Act of 2006]]
| [[Military staff]]
| [[Millennium Plot, Jordan]]
| [[Millennium Plot, United States]]
| [[Milton Viorst]]
| [[Mohamed et al. v. Jeppesen Dataplan, Inc.]]
| [[Mohamedou Ould Slahi]]
| [[Mohammad Qasim Halimi]]
| [[Mohammed Atef]]
| [[Mohammed Atta]]
| [[Mohammed al-Qahtani]]
| [[Monotheism]]
| [[Morton Halperin]]
| [[Moses]]
| [[Mossad]]
| [[Muhammad]]
| [[Muhammad Atef]]
| [[Muhammad Omar]] '''FAIL'''
| [[Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab]]
| [[Mujahedeen]]
| [[Mujahideen]]
| [[Mumbai]]
| [[Muslim]]
| [[Muslim American]]
| [[Muslim Public Affairs Council]]
| [[Mustafa Ahmad al-Hawsawi]]
| [[Mysticism]]
| [[NATO]]
| [[NEFA Foundation]]
| [[Nairobi]]
| [[Nangarhar Province]]
| [[Nasser al-Wahishi]]
| [[Nathaniel Fick]]
| [[National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States]]
| [[National Counterterrorism Center]]
| [[National Security Strategy of the United States of America (2002)]]
| [[National intelligence organizations]]
| [[National security]]
| [[Nawafal Hazmi]]
| [[Near enemy]]
| [[Netherlands]]
| [[New Organizing Institute]]
| [[Nguyen Hue]]
| [[Nicholas Veliotes]]
| [[Nidal Hasan]]
| [[No true Scotsman]]
| [[Nonproliferation]]
| [[North American Network Operators Group]]
| [[Northern Alliance]]
| [[Nouri al-Maliki]]
| [[OSI model]]
| [[Obama administration]]
| [[Occupied Territories]]
| [[Office of Legal Counsel]]
| [[Office of Special Plans]]
| [[Oman]]
| [[Omar Abdel-Rahman]]
| [[Omar Khadr]]
| [[Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model]]
| [[Open source intelligence]]
| [[Operation ANACONDA (disambiguation)]]
| [[Operation Anaconda (Afghanistan War 2001-)]]
| [[Operation DESERT SHIELD]]
| [[Operation ODYSSEY DAWN]]
| [[Order of battle intelligence]]
| [[Organization of the Islamic Conference]]
| [[Origins and architecture of the Taj Mahal]]
| [[Oruzgan police station attack of January 2002]]
| [[Osama Abu-Irshaid]]
| [[Osama bin Laden]]
| [[Pakistan]]
| [[Pakistani Security Forces]]
| [[Paktika Province]]
| [[Palestinian Authority]]
| [[Pamela Geller]]
| [[Panama Canal]]
| [[Pantheism]]
| [[Paratroop]]
| [[Park51]]
| [[Pashtun people]]
| [[Paul Pillar]]
| [[Paul Wolfowitz]]
| [[Paula Stern]]
| [[Pentagon Building]]
| [[People's Republic of China]]
| [[Periodic Review Board]]
| [[Periodic Review Secretariat]]
| [[Persian language]]
| [[Pervez Musharraf]]
| [[Peshawar]] '''PASS'''
| [[Peter Bergen]]
| [[Peter Edelman]]
| [[Peter Galbraith]]
| [[Philip Giraldi]]
| [[Pig (domestic)]]
| [[Pilgrimage]]
| [[Policy Planning Staff]]
| [[Political party]]
| [[Political philosophy]]
| [[Politics]]
| [[Polygamy]]
| [[Polytheism]]
| [[Prayer]]
| [[Project Deepwater]]
| [[Protests against the Iraq War]]
| [[Protocols of the Elders of Zion]]
| [[Provinces of Afghanistan]]
| [[Pythagoras]]
| [[Qatar]]
| [[Qom]]
| [[Qur'an]]
| [[ROCKSTARS (Iraq War)]]
| [[Radicalization]]
| [[Raid on Osama bin Laden]]
| [[Ramakrishna]]
| [[Ramzi Binalshibh]]
| [[Reagan Doctrine]]
| [[Rejectionism (globalization)]]
| [[Religion]]
| [[Religion in the United States]]
| [[Removal of comfort items interrogation techniques]]
| [[Republic of Yemen]]
| [[Republican Party (United States)]]
| [[Richard Armitage]]
| [[Richard Bernstein]]
| [[Richard Clarke]]
| [[Richard Murphy]]
| [[Richard Perle]]
| [[Richard Pipes]]
| [[Rish Khor prison]]
| [[Robert Pastor]]
| [[Robert Pelletreau]]
| [[Robert Spencer]]
| [[Royal Navy]]
| [[Rudy Atallah]]
| [[Saad al-Faqih]]
| [[Sabbath]]
| [[Saddam Hussein]]
| [[Safehouse]]
| [[Salafism]]
| [[Salat]]
| [[Salman Awdah]]
| [[Same-sex marriage]]
| [[Sami Mohy El Din Muhammed Al Hajj]]
| [[Samuel Huntington]]
| [[Sant Mat]]
| [[Saudi Arabia]]
| [[Saudi Arabian National Guard]]
| [[Sayf al Adel]]
| [[Scott Atran]]
| [[Sean MacFarland]]
| [[Secret society]]
| [[Self-radicalization]]
| [[Services Office]]
| [[Shahadah]]
| [[Shahnameh]]
| [[Sharia]]
| [[Shaul Arieli]]
| [[Shi'a Islam]]
| [[Shi'ite]]
| [[Shlomo Ben Ami]]
| [[Shlomo Gazit]]
| [[Shomali Plain]]
| [[Sidney Topol]]
| [[Singapore]]
| [[Social capital]]
| [[Somalia]]
| [[Soul]]
| [[Southeast Asia]]
| [[Sri Lanka]]
| [[Stan Honda]]
| [[Stanley McChrystal]]
| [[State of Iran]]
| [[State secrets privilege]]
| [[Steganography]]
| [[Steve Masters]]
| [[Steven Bradbury]]
| [[Stuart Appelbaum]]
| [[Sudan]]
| [[Sufism]]
| [[Sulaiman Abu Ghaith]]
| [[Sunni]]
| [[Susan Crawford]]
| [[Sykes-Picot Agreement]]
| [[Syria]]
| [[Tajik alphabet]]
| [[Taliban]]
| [[Taliban in Pakistan]]
| [[Tanzania]]
| [[Tarin Kowt]]
| [[Tariq Azizuddin]]
| [[Tariq Ramadan]]
| [[Tawhid]]
| [[Tea Party movement]]
| [[Ted Kattouf]]
| [[Terrorism]]
| [[Terrorism and U.S. Intelligence]]
| [[Terrorism and U.S. Intelligence (1970-2004)]]
| [[Thailand]]
| [[The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order]]
| [[The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy]]
| [[The Manchester Manual]]
| [[The Satanic Verses (novel)]]
| [[Theology]]
| [[Thermobaric explosives]]
| [[Thomas Ricks]]
| [[Tom Allen]]
| [[Tom Charles Huston]]
| [[Tommy Franks]]
| [[Tony Blair]]
| [[Tony Richie]]
| [[Tool]] '''PASS'''
| [[Torture]]
| [[Totalitarianism]]
| [[Treaty]]
| [[Tribe]] '''PASS'''
| [[Turkey]]
| [[Turki al-Faisal]]
| [[Twelver]]
| [[U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia]]
| [[U.S. Department of Justice]]
| [[U.S. House Armed Services Committee]]
| [[U.S. Intelligence and terrorism from 2000]]
| [[U.S. Intelligence and terrorism in the 1980s]]
| [[U.S. Intelligence and terrorism in the 1990s]]
| [[U.S. intelligence activities in Africa]]
| [[U.S. intelligence activities in Asia-Pacific]]
| [[U.S. intelligence activities in Iran]]
| [[U.S. intelligence activities in Iraq]]
| [[U.S. intelligence activities in the Near East]]
| [[U.S. intelligence and transnational counterproliferation activities]]
| [[U.S. intelligence and transnational crime and drugs]]
| [[U.S. intelligence and transnational human rights issues]]
| [[U.S. policy towards Afghanistan]]
| [[U.S. policy towards Pakistan]]
| [[U.S. policy towards Yemen]]
| [[U.S. v. Holy Land Foundation]]
| [[U.S. v. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, et al.]]
| [[U.S.-Iran Hostilities during the Iran-Iraq War]]
| [[UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan]]
| [[USCG Island class]]
| [[USS Cole (DDG-67)]]
| [[Uighur]]
| [[Uighur detainees in Guantanamo]]
| [[Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab]]
| [[Unconventional warfare (United States doctrine)]]
| [[Unitary executive theory]]
| [[United Arab Emirates]]
| [[United Kingdom]]
| [[United Nations Security Council Resolution 1267]]
| [[United States Army]]
| [[United States Army Special Forces]]
| [[United States Central Command]]
| [[United States Forces-Afghanistan]]
| [[United States Navy SEAL]]
| [[United States Special Operations Command]]
| [[United States intelligence community]]
| [[United States of America]]
| [[Unmanned Aerial Vehicle]]
| [[Uruzgan Province]]
| [[Uzbek]]
| [[Uzbekistan]]
| [[Uzi Baram]]
| [[Vasco da Gama]]
| [[Vegetarianism]]
| [[Vessel monitoring system]]
| [[Vietnam War]]
| [[Wadi al Aqiq]]
| [[Wadih el Hage]]
| [[Wahhabism]]
| [[Wakil Muttawakil]]
| [[War on terror]]
| [[Wars of Vietnam]]
| [[Warship]]
| [[We Know All interrogation techniques]]
| [[Weapons of mass destruction]]
| [[Week]] '''PASS'''
| [[Wendy Chamberlin]]
| [[West Bank]]
| [[Western civilization]]
| [[Westernization]]
| [[WikiLeaks]]
| [[Wilayat al-faqih]]
| [[William Harrop]]
| [[World War Two in the Pacific]]
| [[Wyche Fowler]]
| [[XVIII Airborne Corps]]
| [[Yemen]]
| [[YouTube]]
| [[Yousef Raza Gilani]]
| [[Yusuf Zahab]]
| [[Yusuf al-Qaradawi]]
| [[Zachary Chesser]]
| [[Zakat]]
| [[Zaky Mallah]]
| [[Zambia]]
| [[Zero-sum game]]
| [[Zionism]]
| [[Zionist Organization of America]]
| [[Zoroastrianism]]
| [[Zubair]]

[[Category:Article review process| Checklist]]
==Currently being reviewed==
The current triage batch is limited to articles listed under '''B''', but the triage process is now on hold. These are the lists for Day One to Day Seven when restarting.
* '''attention needed'''
* [[B-24 Liberator (bomber)]]
* [[B-25 Mitchell]]
* [[B-26 Marauder]]
* [[B-29 Superfortress (bomber)]]
* [[B-52 Superfortress]]
* [[Battle of Britain]]
* [[Battle of Coronel]]
* [[Battle of Vimy Ridge]]
* [[Battle of Normandy]]
* [[Battle of the Bulge]]
* [[Werner von Blomberg]]
* [[William Jennings Bryan]]
<br />
* '''Day One'''
* [[Beach Jumpers]]
* [[Bearing (direction)]]
* [[Bearing only mode]]
* [[Bedford Brown]]
* [[Beer Hall Putsch]]
* [[Befuddled Interrogator interrogation techniques]]
* [[Belfast]]
* [[Belt-fed]]
* [[Benazir Bhutto]]
* [[Benjamin Barber]]
* [[Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp]]
* [[Berlin Blockade]]
* [[Berlin Wall]]
* [[Betelgeuse (ship, 2021)]]
* [[Beyond visual range]]
* [[Bhangmeter]]
* [[Bicameral legislature]]
* [[Bill of Federalism]]
* [[Bill of Rights (England)]]
* '''Day Two'''
* [[Bill of rights]]
* [[Bimetallism]]
* [[Binh Dinh Province]]
* [[Binh Duong Province]]
* [[Binh Phuoc Province]]
* [[Binh Thuan Province]]
* [[Binh Xuyen]]
* [[Biographical intelligence]]
* [[Biological Weapons and Toxins Convention]]
* [[Biological weapon]]
* [[Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002]]
* [[Birther Movement]]
* [[Bisher Amin Khalil al-Rawi]]
* [[Bismarck Archipelago]]
* [[Bismarck-class]]
* [[Bismullah v. Gates]]
* [[Black Spring of Cuba]]
* [[Blackbeard]]
* [[Blaine Amendment]]
* [[Blast (explosives)]]
* Blitzkrieg
* [[Blue Danube (nuclear weapon)]]
* [[Blue Dog Coalition]]
* [[Blue Force Tracker]]
* [[Blue water]]
* [[Boatswain]]
* [[Bob Barr]]
* [[Bobby Bright]]
* [[Boeing]]
* [[Boeing 737]]
<br />
* '''Day Three'''
* [[Bollinger Shipyards]]
* [[Bomb]]
* [[Bomber aircraft]]
* [[Bonfire Night]]
* [[Boobytrap]]
* [[Boosted fission]]
* [[Boulton-Paul Defiant]]
* [[Bourbon Democrats]]
* [[Brain trust]]
* [[Brazil]]
* [[Breed-specific legislation]]
* [[Brian Baird]]
* [[Brigade]]
* [[Brigadier general]]
* [[Brillante Virtuoso]]
* [[Brilliant Anti-Tank]]
* [[Brimstone missile]]
* [[Brisance]]
* [[Bristol Blenheim]]
* [[Brit Tzedek v'Shalom]]
* [[British Army]]
* [[British Columbia]]
* [[British Humanist Association]]
* [[British Overseas Territories]]
* [[British coalition government (1940–1945)]]
* [[British interim government (May–July 1945)]]
* [[Broadcasting Board of Governors]]
* [[Brookings Institution]]
* [[Brown v. Board of Education]]
* '''Day Four'''
* [[Browning Automatic Rifle]]
* [[Bruce Bartlett]]
* [[Buchenwald Concentration Camp]]
* [[Buddhist crisis of 1966]]
* [[Bui Tin]]
* [[Bulldozer]]
* [[Bullingdon Club]]
* [[Bundesnachrichtendienst]]
* [[Bureau of African Affairs]]
* [[Bureau of Intelligence and Research]]
* [[Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs]]
* [[Bureau of Southern and Central Asian Affairs]]
* [[Bureaucracy]]
* [[Burke-class]]
* [[Burma Road and Ledo Road]]
* [[Burundi]]
* [[Byzantine Imperial Court]]
* [[Charles A. Beard]]
* [[Charles Beckwith]]
* [[Charles W. Bowen]]
* [[Chuck Baldwin]]
* [[Cofer Black]]
* [[Constance Babington Smith]]
* [[David Brant (law enforcement)]]
* [[David Brock]]
* [[David Brog]]
* [[Dennis Blair]]
* [[Dino Brugioni]]
* [[Edmund Burke]]
* [[Edward Boland]]
<br />
* '''Day Five'''
* [[Ellsworth Bunker]]
* [[European ballistic missile defense]]
* [[Evan Bayh]]
* [[Fedor von Bock]]
* [[Finnegan Biden]]
* [[Francis Boyle]]
* [[Gary Bauer]]
* [[George Ball]]
* [[George H. W. Bush]]
* [[George W. Bush]]
* [[Gerald Bogan]]
* [[Gertrude Bell]]
* [[Glenn Beck]]
* [[Gordon Brown]]
* [[Gravity bomb]]
* [[HMS Beagle]]
* [[Hans Baron]]
* [[Harold Brown]]
* [[House of Bentivoglio]]
* [[Howard Berman]]
* [[James Buchanan]]
* [[James G. Blaine]]
* [[James M. Bennett]]
* [[Jan Peter Balkenende]]
* [[Jeanne Butterfield]]
* [[Jeremy Bentham]]
* [[Jeremy Black]]
* [[Joe Biden]]
* [[Johannes Blaskowitz]]
* [[John Baker]]
* '''Day Six'''
* [[John Boccieri]]
* [[John Boehner]]
* [[John Bolton]]
* [[John Boyd]]
* [[John Brennan]]
* [[John Byron]]
* [[Judy Barden]]
* [[Judy Biggert]]
* [[KMS Bismarck]]
* [[Karl Brandt]]
* [[Kathleen Buhle]]
* [[Klaus Barbie]]
* [[Kyrylo Budanov]]
* [[L. Paul Bremer]]
* [[Lee Butler]]
* [[Leonard Boswell]]
* [[Lloyd David Brown]]
* [[Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird]]
* [[Louis Behrens]]
* [[Ludwig Beck]]
* [[Marianna Budanov]]
* [[Massoud Barzani]]
* [[Max Baucus]]
* [[McGeorge Bundy]]
* [[Michele Bachmann]]
* [[Mikhail Bakunin]]
* [[Mikhail Borodin]]
* [[Naomi Biden]]
* [[Naval blockade]]
* [[Norman Borlaug]]
<br />
* '''Day Seven'''
* [[Omar Bradley]]
* [[Operation Barbarossa]]
* [[Operation Bolo]]
* [[Osama bin Laden]]
* [[Patrick Buchanan]]
* [[Peter Bergen]]
* [[Philip Bouhler]]
* [[Ramazan Bashardost]]
* [[Richard Bernstein]]
* [[Robert Bork]]
* [[Robert Borosage]]
* [[Robert Bosse]]
* [[Roland Burris]]
* [[Ronald Burgess]]
* [[Rudolf Brandt]]
* [[Scott Brown]]
* [[Shawn Brimley]]
* [[Sophonisba Breckenridge]]
* [[South Vietnamese Buddhist crisis and coup of 1963]]
* [[Spencer Bachus]]
* [[Stanley Baldwin]]
* [[Stephen Biddle]]
* [[Steven Bradbury]]
* [[Theodore Bikel]]
* [[Thomas Blamey]]
* [[Thomas P. M. Barnett]]
* [[Tim Bishop]]
* [[Tony Blair]]
* [[Tu-22M]]
* [[USS Brooklyn (CL-40)]]

Latest revision as of 09:15, 5 April 2024


Articles listed on this page are under review because they potentially contravene site policies; they may contain false or misleading information; they may be badly written (e.g., past events in present tense); or they may be otherwise unsuitable for this site. If anyone else should assist with the review process, please check the content, talk, definition and RA of each article to ensure all are fit for purpose.

Any article which fails this triage review and cannot easily be amended or recreated will go to Proposed Deletion; or, if it should in any way undermine the site's credibility or integrity, to Speedy Deletion.

Articles which pass triage without issues will be added to Category:Reviewed Passed and, if a BLP, to Category:Living Person. If the article needs a more comprehensive review, it will be added to one of Category:Flagged for Review or Category:Reviewed Passed if Improved, as appropriate; again, if a BLP, it will be added to Category:Living Person.

For the foreseeable future, triage will be limited to articles which are primarily in the military and politics workgroups. There is inevitable overspill from these two into chemistry, computing, engineering, geography, and history. All articles in those groups will be reviewed in a later triage phase. At any one time, a suggested maximum of 300 articles will be in triage and the goal is to review thirty per day.

Currently being reviewed

The current triage batch is limited to articles listed under B, but the triage process is now on hold. These are the lists for Day One to Day Seven when restarting.