Welcome to the Userinfo System user list page!
This page contains the complete list of everyone in the Userinfo System (i.e., everyone who shows up on the Group Status page), as well as lists of everyone in every workgroup status page (e.g., the anthro status page). This is the central Userinfo System user list. It is absolutely crucial that you add yourself to this page in the appropriate places (and don't touch anything else unless you know what you're doing, please). We're sorry this isn't easier, but we make do with the tools that we have.
How do you add yourself?
You add yourself by editing this page and putting your username in the right place(s). When you edit this page, you'll notice that it's very long. It begins with these instructions, then some weird code, then this line:
You should begin by adding your name to the list that immediately follows that line.
To add yourself,
- alphabetize by your family name. Move the cursor down to where your name would appear alphabetically in the list.
- write your precise username (capitalization, spaces, and punctuation are all important; you can find it at the top of every wiki page, when you're logged in). Make sure it is separated from other names by one pipe | on each side (except for the last name in each list).
- if you also created a data page for your work in one or more workgroup(s), then scroll down to the name of your workgroup, and insert your name where the other names are (below the workgroup name, after some weird code).