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Synapsida, or mammal-like reptiles, are believed to have led to the evolution of mammals. Synapsida rose to power during the Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) period and continued to be the dominant land vertebrate through the Permian and Triassic periods. One of the main characteristics of all animals classified under the subclass Synapsida is the Synapsid skull, an opening behind the eye socket that allowed for the evolution of a better jaw, is found in all mammals, past and present albeit in modified forms. Prior to the development of the synapsid type skull, reptiles had a low, flat head with jaw muscles that were arranged in such a way to allow their jaws to snap together, but not to bite together in a hard pressing motion. Thus their diets and actions were very limited. With the development of the synapsid skull many other environmental niches were opened up, drastically changing the way that those in the same environment lived and evolved, such as plants which required the evolution of better defensive characteristics.
The fossils of the order Synapsida can be split into two distinct groups, the pelycosaurs and the therapsids. The best pelycosaur fossils found, so far, come from the North American lower Permian “Red Bed” sediments, mainly in New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas [1] and Nova Scotia, as well. The therapsids, however, came to inhabit every environment on every continent. [2]
Morphology and Evolution
The Skull
The shape and morphology of the skull took a different evolutionary turn in the synapsids and their subsequent mammalian descendants. One of the biggest changes, that paved the way and forced several other changes to take place, was the development of an antorbital fenestra ("fenestra" is latin for opening or window) behind the eye socket, called the synapsid opening. As the synapsids evolved, so did the size of this opening. It is thought that the jaw muscles were attached to this opening, which in turn aided in relieving the stress that biting puts on the back of the skull, and coupled with the elongation of the back of the skull, allowed for a stronger, more precise bite. By comparison there is the anapsid skull, which has no openings, and the diapsid skull, which has two openings. Turtles and tortoises count themselves among the living descendents with the anapsid skull, and lizards, snakes, and crocodiles are among those with a diapsid skull.
The mammal-like reptiles developed the heterodont shaped dentition with sharp edged incisors for cutting, pointed canines for tearing, and cheek teeth with flat crushing surfaces for chewing. Though they still retained the typical reptilian characteristic of replacing old and worn teeth with new teeth, as the synapsids evolved they gained the ability to keep their teeth longer. Because they were able to keep their teeth longer they were capable of developing more specialized dentition and a better precision bite. This allowed for their food to be chewed down to a pulp, easier to swallow, and thus better to digest. This, in turn, allowed for the nutrients from the food to be released and used by the body much more quickly.
The Limbs
With the sphenacodonts, such as the Dimetrodon, the limbs of these later pelycosaurs started to move differently than that of reptiles or earlier synapsid. Reptiles move with their limbs facing out horizontally and moving in a side-to-side motion. Starting with the sphenacodonts, synapsids moved in an up-and-down motion as seen through the evolved structure of the joints, hips, and hind limbs. The synapsids mark the beginning of the vertical locomotion, the up-and-down movement which required the limbs to flex more and with more ease and helped the synapsid to move much quicker. Reptiles also have outward facing feet whereas the synapsid, starting with the sphenacodonts, have more forward projecting feet.
Warm Bloodedness and Insulation
The ability to regulate body temperature is a distinctive characteristic in mammals, or endotherms. Ectotherms, or reptiles, lack this ability and must rely mostly on the sun in order to warm their bodies and get their energy. This is a time consuming, and even potentially dangerous, activity, which requires that the reptile be in the sun, usually in an open space, in order to get the most warmth quickly. With the development of better locomotion, insulation, and breathing control, the later therapsids were able to get their energy from other sources and reduce their dependence on the sun as an energy source. Early synapsids, such as the pelycosaurs, were believed to have been ectotherms, due to the large nature of their bodies and the sails on their backs, which has been suggested worked in the same way as solar panels, by absorbing the heat in the morning and releasing it in the afternoon and thereby allowing for temperature control.
More advanced Therapsid animals show the evolution of a diaphragm, which allowed for the development of a larger set of lungs, which in turn made the air empty quicker and more often. The quicker air empties and fills the lung cavity, the quicker the oxygen can enter the bloodstream and tissues. This has many advantages, including better muscle use and a speedier digestion, and has a ripple effect on the animals daily activities.[3]
Order Pelycosauria
Pelycosauria was the earliest and most primitive of the synapsida reptiles, and thought to have roamed the earth as early as 300 million years ago during the Pennsylvanian Period and remained the dominant land animal for about 40 million years. Many Pelycosauria fossils show that they possessed a sail on their backs, which is generally believed to have functioned as a body temperature regulator, although there are others who believe that the sails served as a sexual dimorphic feature. They are also believed to have been oviparous, meaning egg laying, a feature distinct of reptiles. Pelycosaur are the first to have, and the reason they are categorized as Synapsida, the synapsid skull with the single opening behind the eye socket that allowed for better jaw muscle evolution. It is this skull evolution coupled with a series of lucky events, such as the drought during the Kasimovian epoch which killed off many larger terrestrial tetrapods, that led to Pelycosauria becoming the dominant land animal.
Family Ophiacodontidae
This family, of the order Pelycosauria and the subclass Synapsida, includes several genera. These are the earliest, and most primitive, forms of pelycosaurs. Most of the fossil remains were found in North America and come from the Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) period to the very beginning of the Permian period. The earliest species is believed to have been the Archaeothyris. The teeth were still reptile-like, sharp and conical shaped indicating a carnivorous diet, as was the shape of their skeleton with their limbs in an outward pointing position. The animal continued to evolve and by the time of the first Ophiacodon species, the hind limbs had changed positions to face more forward and underneath the body more, and had become longer. The skull had also evolved to a more narrow shape that would be seen in many species to come.
Family Varanopseidae
Varanopseidae is another family in the order Pelycosauria. This family probably lived around the same time as the family Ophiacodontidae, and had very similar characteristics. They too are found only in North America, and come from the Early Permian period.
Family Sphenacodontidae
Next in the line is the family Sphenacodontidae. They are considered to be carnivorous pelycosaurs, also consisting of several different genera. They range in size and features with some having the famous sail fin on their backs. This family includes animals such as the Sphenacodon and Dimetrodon. The specialized, different shaped teeth are first seen in the Sphenacodon, who had all threecanines, incisors, and cheek teeth. The Dimetrodon, the animal usually associated with Synapsida, had the famous sail fin on its back generally assumed to help regulate their body temperatures. The Dimetrodon also had massive teeth that, couple with its bigger body size, would have made it a terrifying predator.
Family Edaphosauridae
The family Edaphosauridae is yet another in the Pelycosauria line. It, also, has been characterized by the large sail fin on its back. Although it is believed to have been a herbivore due to the fact that it had palatal teeth, an attribute typical of herbivorous animals. The fossils of this family have been found mostly in North America, with a few found in the Czechoslovakia area. As with the rest of their family members, they too come from the Pennsylvanian period to the beginning Permian period.
Family Caseidae
The family Caseidae is the last known genera in the order Pelycosauria to evolve. They are also believed to have been herbivores, live during the Early Permian period, and found mostly in North America. Also, just like all other Pelycosaur species, they had the characteristic synapsid opening behind the eye socket.
Order Therapsida
Therapsids are the more advanced of the order Synapsid, the direct ancestors of mammals. The Therapsids reigned during the Late Permian period and much more widespread than their ancestors, the Pelycosauria.
Suborder Eotitanosuchia
Suborder Dinocephalia
Suborder Gorgonopsia
Suborder Dicynodontia
Suborder Therocephalia
Suborder Cynodontia
The suborder Cynodonts were the only species to survive the great Permian Extinction and into the Jurassic Period.
Suborder Biarmosuchia
The Permian Mass Extinction
Current News
See Also
External Links
• Please note that there is some disagreement for the classifying of different species and genera in the class Synapsida. As such when it comes to the different species listed above, all information has been obtained from a single source, ‘’The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Prehistoric World’’, to ease the confusion as much as possible. As I am not an expert in the field, and seeing as how even the experts cannot agree, I do not pretend to know which source is correct and which isn’t. Classification of species is always a confusing subject, so if there is an expert or someone close to it who would like to help clarify, I welcome the suggestions. • This article is currently being developed as part of a student project involving an Anthropology course at the University of Colorado at Boulder. If you are not involved with this project, please refrain from further developing this article until otherwise noted. Although suggestions are welcomed! Thank you.’’