Aesthetics/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Aesthetics.
See also changes related to Aesthetics, or pages that link to Aesthetics or to this page or whose text contains "Aesthetics".

Parent topics

  • Art [r]: The expression or application of human imagination and creative skill, usually presented in a visual form. [e]
  • Philosophy [r]: The study of the meaning and justification of beliefs about the most general, or universal, aspects of things. [e]


Other related topics

  • Ethics [r]: The branch of philosophy dealing with standards of good and evil. [e]

Articles related by keyphrases (Bot populated)

  • Arts and Crafts movement [r]: An arts movement (about 1870-1920) in the English speaking countries. [e]
  • Pantheism [r]: A religious and philosophical doctrine that everything is of an all-encompassing immanent abstract God; or that the universe, or nature, and God are equivalent. [e]
  • Subjective-objective dichotomy [r]: The philosophical separation of the world into objects (entities) which are perceived or otherwise presumed to exist as entities, by subjects (observers). [e]