Claude Kordon

Claude Kordon (1934 - June 2, 2008) was a Swiss-born neuroendocrinologist who spent most of his scientific career in Paris, France. He was research director in CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), and director of the INSERM (Institut National se la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale) Unit 159 in Paris for 24 years, He was the Editor-in-Chief of Neuroendocrinology for two decades. He was the first president, in 1997, of Euroscience, a European association for the advancement of science and the reappraisal of its relations with society.
His research included:
- Studies on hypophysiotropic neuropeptides
- Implication of steroid hormones in brain functions
- Interaction between the immune and cerebral systems
- Role of monoamines and neuropeptides in pituitary functions, in reproductive behaviour,
in regulation of growth and in stress responses.
In one of his books The Language of Cells, his scientific philosophy is illustrated by the phrase: "the essential condition to all innovating activity: the liberty of creation".
- Weiner R, Epelbaum J, Enjalbert A (2008) Remembrances of Claude Kordon Neuroendocrinology 88:243-5.
Review articles by Claude Kordon
- Llorens-Cortes C, Kordon C (2008) Jacques Benoit lecture: the neuroendocrine view of the angiotensin and apelin systems. J Neuroendocrinol 20279-89. PMID 18194430
- Kordon C, Zizzari P, Bluet-Pajot MT (2005) A century of GH research revisited: from linear models to network complexity. J Endocrinol Invest 28(5 Suppl):2-9. PMID 16114267
- Fodor M, Kordon C, Epelbaum J (2006) Anatomy of the hypophysiotropic somatostatinergic and growth hormone-releasing hormone system minireview. Neurochem Res 31:137-43. PMID 16586030
- Bluet-Pajot MT, Tolle V, Zizzari P, Robert C, Hammond C, Mitchell V, Beauvillain JC, Viollet C, Epelbaum J, Kordon C (2001) Growth hormone secretagogues and hypothalamic networks. Endocrine 14:1-8. PMID 11322489
- Bluet-Pajot MT, Epelbaum J, Gourdji D, Hammond C, Kordon C (1998)Hypothalamic and hypophyseal regulation of growth hormone secretion. Cell Mol Neurobiol 18:101-23. PMID 9524732
- Viollet C, Prévost G, Maubert E, Faivre-Bauman A, Gardette R, Kordon C et al.(1995) Molecular pharmacology of somatostatin receptors. Fundam Clin Pharmacol 9:107-13. PMID 7628822
- Bluet-Pajot MT, Bertherat J, Epelbaum J, Kordon C (1993) Neural and pituitary mechanisms involved in growth hormone regulation. J Pediatr Endocrinol 6357-69. PMID 7921005
- Kordon C, Drouva SV (1992)Gonadotropin regulation, oestrogens and the immune system.
Horm Res 37 Suppl 3:11-5. PMID 1427636
- Bertherat J, Chanson P, Dewailly D, Enjalbert A, Jaquet P, Kordon C et al.(1992) Resistance to somatostatin (SRIH) analog therapy in acromegaly. Re-evaluation of the correlation between the SRIH receptor status of the pituitary tumor and the in vivo inhibition of GH secretion in response to SRIH analog. Horm Res 38:94-9. PMID 1306525
- Kordon C, Bihoreau C (1989)Integrated communication between the nervous, endocrine and immune systems. Horm Res 31100-4. PMID 2656465
- Epelbaum J, Agid F, Agid Y, Beaudet A, Bertrand P, Enjalbert A, Heidet V, Kordon C, et al.Somatostatin receptors in brain and pituitary. Horm Res 3145-50. PMID 2566573
- Ruberg M, Enjalbert A, Arancibia S, Kordon C (1981)Regulation of prolactin secretion at the pituitary level. Exp Brain Res Suppl 3:182-99. PMID 6788583
- Epelbaum J, Drouva SV, Tapioa-Arancibia L, Laplante E, Kordon C (1980) [In vitro study of the interaction between neuromediators and neuropeptides involved in hypothalamic neurosecretion control (author's transl)] Ann Endocrinol (Paris) 41:478-86. (in French). PMID: 6113815
- Kordon C, Glowinski J (1972) Role of hypothalamic monoaminergic neurones in the gonadotrophin release-regulating mechanisms. Neuropharmacology 11:153-62. PMID 4337229