User:Peter Schmitt/Sandbox

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< User:Peter Schmitt
Revision as of 09:01, 6 December 2009 by imported>Peter Schmitt (<td> removed)
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CS Name Z

Ac Actinium 89
Ag Argentum (Silver) 47
Al Aluminum 13
Am Americium 95
Ar Argon 18
As Arsenic 33
At Astatine 85
Au Aurum (Gold) 79
B Boron 5
Ba Barium 56
Be Beryllium 4
Bh Bohrium 107
Bi Bismuth 83
Bk Berkelium 97
Br Bromine 35
C Carbon 6
Ca Calcium 20
Cd Cadmium 48
Ce Cerium 58
Cf Californium 98
Cl Chlorine 17
Cm Curium 96
Co Cobalt 27
Cr Chromium 24
Cs Cesium 55
Cu Cuprum (Copper) 29
D Deuterium (2H) 1
Db Dubnium 105
Ds Darmstadtium 110
Dy Dysprosium 66
Er Erbium 68
Es Einsteinium 99
Eu Europium 63
F Fluorine 9
Fe Ferrum (Iron) 26
Fm Fermium 100
Fr Francium 87
Ga Gallium 31

CS Name Z

Gd Gadolinium 64
Ge Germanium 32
H Hydrogen 1
He Helium 2
Hf Hafnium 72
Hg Hydrargyrum (Mercury) 80
Ho Holmium 67
Hs Hassium 108
I Iodine 53
In Indium 49
Ir Iridium 77
K Kalium (Potassium) 19
Kr Krypton 36
La Lanthanum 57
Li Lithium 3
Lr Lawrencium 103
Lu Lutetium 71
Md Mendelevium 101
Mg Magnesium 12
Mn Manganese 25
Mo Molybdenum 42
Mt Meitnerium 109
N Nitrogen 7
Na Natrium (Sodium) 11
Nb Niobium 41
Nd Neodymium 60
Ne Neon 10
Ni Nickel 28
No Nobelium 102
Np Neptunium 93
O Oxygen 8
Os Osmium 76
P Phosphorus 15
Pa Protactinium 91
Pb Plumbum (Lead) 82
Pd Palladium 46
Pm Promethium 61

CS Name Z

Po Polonium 84
Pr Praseodymium 59
Pt Platinum 78
Pu Plutonium 94
Ra Radium 88
Rb Rubidium 37
Re Rhenium 75
Rf Rutherfordium 104
Rg Roentgenium 111
Rh Rhodium 45
Rn Radon 86
Ru Ruthenium 44
S Sulfur 16
Sb Stibium (Antimony) 51
Sc Scandium 21
Se Selenium 34
Sg Seaborgium 106
Si Silicium (Silicon) 14
Sm Samarium 62
Sn Stannum (Tin) 50
Sr Strontium 38
T Tritium (3H) 1
Ta Tantalum 73
Tb Terbium 65
Tc Technetium 43
Te Tellurium 52
Th Thorium 90
Ti Titanium 22
Tl Thallium 81
Tm Thulium 69
U Uranium 92
V Vanadium 23
W Wolfram (Tungsten) 74
Xe Xenon 54
Y Yttrium 39
Yb Ytterbium 70
Zn Zinc 30
Zr Zirconium 40

Chemical elements sorted on chemical symbol (CS)


CS Name Z

Uub Ununbium 112
Uut Ununtrium 113
Uuq Ununquadium 114
Uup Ununpentium 115
Uuh Ununhexium 116
Uus Ununseptium 117
Uuo Ununoctium 118

The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

Prop /Definition

(A) prop // prop //

(B) nein: ccc

(C) ccc data D

End of template

a test

CZ:Monthly Write-a-Thon/March 4, 2009/Lists

[[User:Peter Schmitt/testfile|]]


[[User:Peter Schmitt/{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}]]




An article to test the new speedy delete template‎ Testing template:

The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

end testing template

abc abc

template test {{{2}}}

UTC time 10:33 local: 12:33 07:33

Peter Schmitt / Peter Schmitt 22:04, 4 October 2009 (UTC) / 22:04, 4 October 2009 (UTC)

<no wiki> Template:Ref0




</no wiki>

Peter Schmitt / Peter Schmitt/Sandbox / User

%% 15jun09 [Gödel] There might exist axioms so abundant in their verifiable consequences, shedding so much light upon a whole discipline, and furnishing such powerful methods for solving given problems (and even solving them, as far as possible, in a constructivistic way) that quite irrespective of their intrinsic necessety they would have to be assumed at least in the same sense as any establishe physical theory.

The Internet Protocol (IP) is a protocol, or set of rules, used for communicating across a heterogeneous network. It is the protocol on which the Internet is built.

The <a name="test">Internet</a> Protocol (IP)

The Internet Protocol (IP) RFC 4321 RFC 4321

     describes/defines the standards 

used for communicating across a heterogeneous network. It is the basis/fundament on which the Internet is built.

  • Homogeneous function [r]: The function f with property [e]

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