English spellings/Catalogs/Common misspellings R

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | |
Use in English | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Alphabetical word list | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Retroalphabetical list | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Common misspellings |
This page lists misspellings and typos of English words that begin with R. To see a different letter navigate with the table above.
In this list, there are no asterisks or pronouncing accents. The misspelling is shown as a blue link on the left, for example, *abberant, and it is followed by its correct form in brackets, (aberrant). (In the alphabetical list, the order is usually reversed: áberrant *ábberant.)
To add an entry to the list, insert a new search entry using the {{search link}} template with the correct spelling in parentheses after the link. For example,
* {{search link|mispelling||ns0|ns14|ns100}} (misspelling)
* {{search link|"mispell"|mispell|ns0|ns14|ns100}} (misspell)
Please do not delete a misspelling from this page just because it generates false positives. A better way of getting rid of false positives is to "unlink" it by removing the {{search link}} template. For example,
* u (you) (huge number of false positives)
By leaving it on the list, it will remind other users why it has not been added, and it can be easily re-tested at a later date.[e]
- rabinnical (rabbinical)
- radify (ratify)
- raidly (rapidly)
- rammification (ramification)
- rarified (acceptable variant of rarefied)
- raelly (really)
- rancourous (rancorous, even in UK)
- rapididly (rapidly)
- rarley (rarely)
- re-realeased (re-released)
- reacll (recall)
- realease (release)
- realted (related)
- realting (relating)
- realtive (relative)
- realy (really)
- realyl (really)
- reamain (remain)
- reamin (remain)
- reasearch (research)
- reasses (reassess)
- rebroadcasted (rebroadcast)
- rebuttle (rebuttal)
- recasted (recast)
- reccent (recent)
- reccomend (recommend)
- reccomended (recommended)
- reccommend (recommend)
- reccommended (recommended)
- reccuring (recurring)
- receed (recede)
- receeded (receded)
- receeding (receding)
- recepient (recipient)
- recepies (recipes)
- recepted (received)
- recide (reside)
- recident (resident)
- recidents (residents)
- reciept (receipt)
- recieve (receive)
- recieved (received)
- reciever (receiver)
- recieves (receives)
- recieving (receiving)
- recipiant (recipient)
- recipies (recipes)
- recogise (recognise)
- recogize (recognize)
- recomend (recommend)
- recomended (recommended)
- recomending (recommending)
- recomends (recommends)
- reconcilation (reconciliation)
- reconciliate (reconcile)
- reconaisance (reconnaissance)
- reconaissance (reconnaissance)
- reconnaisance (reconnaissance)
- reconnaissence (reconnaissance)
- recoreded (recorded)
- recoupe (recoup)
- recouperate (recuperate)
- recquire (require)
- recrational (recreational)
- recrod (record)
- recruted (recruited)
- recuring (recurring)
- recurr (recur)
- recurrance (recurrence)
- recurrant (recurrent)
- redevelopement (redevelopment)
- redicule (ridicule)
- rediculous (ridiculous)
- redundent (redundant)
- referal (referral)
- refered (referred)
- refering (referring)
- referrence (reference)
- referrs (refers)
- reffered (referred)
- refference (reference)
- refrence (reference)
- refridgeration (refrigeration)
- refridgerator (refrigerator)
- refusla (refusal)
- registery (registry)
- regluar (regular)
- reguard (regard)
- reguarly (regularly)
- regularily (regularly)
- rehersal (rehearsal)
- reknown (renown, renowned)
- reknowned (renowned)
- rela (real)
- relagate (relegate)
- relagated (relegated)
- relaly (really)
- relatiopnship (relationship)
- relativly (relatively)
- relavent (relevant)
- releive (relieve)
- releived (relieved)
- relevence (relevance)
- relevent (relevant)
- reliablity (reliability)
- religeous (religious)
- religon (religion)
- religous (religious)
- relitively (relatively)
- relization (realization)
- relize (realize)
- relized (realised, realized)
- relm (realm)
- remaing (remaining)
- remainging (remaining)
- remaned (remained, renamed)
- remaning (remaining)
- rember (remember)
- remeber (remember)
- rememberance (remembrance)
- remembrence (remembrance)
- remian (remain)
- reminant (remnant)
- reminent (remnant)
- reminescent (reminiscent)
- reminicent (reminiscent)
- rendevous (rendezvous)
- rennovate (renovate)
- rennovation (renovation)
- renouned (renowned)
- repatition (repetition, repartition)
- repayed (repaid)
- repeative (repetitive)
- repentence (repentance)
- repentent (repentant)
- repetion (repetition)
- repetoire (repertoire)
- repitition (repetition)
- reponse (response)
- reponsible (responsible)
- representive (representative)
- representives (representatives)
- reprize (reprise)
- repubic (republic)
- rescure (rescue)
- resemblence (resemblance)
- reservor (reservoir)
- resetted (reset)
- resevoir (reservoir)
- residance (residence)
- resignement (resignment)
- resistable (resistible)
- resistence (resistance)
- resistent (resistant)
- responce (response)
- responibility (responsibility)
- responnsibilty (responsibility)
- responsability (responsibility)
- responsable (responsible)
- responsibilty (responsibility)
- resposibility (responsibility)
- resposible (responsible)
- ressemblance (resemblance)
- ressemble (resemble)
- ressembled (resembled)
- ressemblence (resemblance)
- ressembling (resembling)
- ressurection (resurrection)
- restarant (restaurant)
- restaraunt (restaurant)
- restaraunteur (restaurateur)
- restaraunteurs (restaurateurs)
- restaraunts (restaurants)
- restauration (restoration)
- restauraunt (restaurant)
- resteraunt (restaurant)
- resteraunts (restaurants)
- restrant (restaurant)
- restraunt (restraint, restaurant)
- restuarant (restaurant)
- resturant (restaurant)
- resurect (resurrect)
- resurecting (resurrecting)
- resurgance (resurgence)
- retailate (retaliate)
- retailation (retaliation)
- retalitated (retaliated)
- retalitation (retaliation)
- retreived (retrieved)
- retruning (returning)
- retured (returned)
- returing (returning)
- revaluated (reevaluated)
- revelance (relevance)
- revelant (relevant)
- reverance (reverence)
- reverand (reverend)
- reverant (reverent)
- reversable (reversible)
- revolutionar (revolutionary)
- rewriet (rewrite)
- rhymme (rhyme)
- rhythem (rhythm)
- rhythim (rhythm)
- rhythym (rhythm)
- rhytm (rhythm)
- richs (riches)
- ridgid (RIDGID, rigid)
- rigeur (rigueur, rigour, rigor)
- rigour (variant of rigor)
- rigourous (rigorous)
- rininging (ringing)
- rised (raised, risen, rose)
- Rockerfeller (Rockefeller)
- rococco (rococo)
- roomate (roommate)
- rougly (roughly)
- rulle (rule)
- rumour (variant of rumor)
- runing (running)
- Rusian (Russian)
- Russina (Russian)
- Russion (Russian)
- rwite (write)
- rythem (rhythm)
- rythim (rhythm)
- rythm (rhythm)
- rythym (rhythm)