William Shakespeare/Works
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The Plays
Shakespeare's plays are traditionally organised into three groups: Tragedies, Comedies, and Histories. The following (resortable) list sorts the plays according to their order in the First Folio (with excluded plays marked by †), the first published edition of Shakespeare's plays. Today, some of the comedies are usually considered as a separate subgenre, the 'romances' or tragicomedies; these plays are so marked in the "Genre" column.
Title | Genre | Precis | Main Characters | Date Written |
Date Published |
Tempest, The | Comedy | Prospero, the rightful Duke of Milan, meets his usurpers on an island | Prospero, Miranda | 1611 | 1623 |
Two Gentlemen of Verona, The | Comedy | Precis | Valentine, Proteus | 1593 | 1623 |
Merry Wives of Windsor, The | Comedy | Falstaff attempts to seduce Mistresses Ford and Page | Falstaff, Ford | 1597 | 1602 |
Measure for Measure | Comedy | Precis | Vincentio, Angelo | 1604 | 1623 |
Comedy of Errors, The | Comedy | Precis | Antipholus, Dromio | 1590 | 1623 |
Much Ado About Nothing | Comedy | Beatrice and Benedict wage a "merry War", concealing their true feelings | Beatrice, Benedick | 1598 | 1600 |
Love's Labour's Lost | Comedy | Precis | Ferdinand, Berowne | 1593 | 1598 |
Midsummer Night's Dream, A | Comedy | The adventures of young lovers, rude mechanicals, and fairies in Athens | Oberon, Titania | 1594 | 1600 |
The Merchant of Venice | Comedy | Antonio borrows from Shylock on behalf of his friend Bassanio | Antonio, Shylock | 1596 | 1600 |
As You Like It | Comedy | Rosalind and Celia escape to the Forest of Arden, Rosalind disguised as a boy | Rosalind, Orlando | 1598 | 1623 |
Taming of the Shrew | Comedy | Precis | Petruchio, Katherine | 1591 | 1623 |
All's Well That Ends Well | Comedy | Precis | Bertram, Helena | 1603 | 1623 |
Twelfth Night or What You Will | Comedy | Precis | Orsino, Viola, Olivia | 1600 | 1623 |
Winter's Tale, The | Romance | Precis | Leontes, Perdita | 1610 | 1623 |
Pericles, Prince of Tyre† | Romance | Precis | Pericles, Marina | 1607 | 1609 |
Two Noble Kinsmen, The† | Romance | Precis | Arcite, Palamon | 1612-3 | 1634 |
King John | History | Precis | John, Arthur | 1596 | 1623 |
Richard II | History | Precis | Richard, Bolingbroke | 1595 | 1597 |
Henry IV, Part 1 | History | Precis | Henry, Hal, Hotspur | 1597 | 1598 |
Henry IV, Part 2 | History | Precis | Henry, Falstaff, Hal | 1598 | 1600 |
Henry V | History | Precis | Henry, Pistol | 1599 | 1600 |
Henry VI, Part 1 | History | Precis | Henry, Talbot | 1592 | 1623 |
Henry VI, Part 2 | History | Precis | Henry, Margaret | 1591 | 1594 |
Henry VI, Part 3 | History | Precis | Henry, Margaret | 1591 | 1595 |
Richard III | History | Richard's seisure of the throne and defeat at Bosworth Field | Richard, Clarence | 1592 | 1597 |
Henry VIII | History | Precis | Henry, Catherine | 1613 | 1623 |
Romeo and Juliet | Tragedy | Two "star-cross'd lovers" have a passionate affair, defying their families, with tragic results. | Romeo, Juliet | 1595 | 1597 |
Coriolanus | Tragedy | The proud Roman general, Coriolanous betrays Rome | Coriolanus, Volumnia | 1608 | 1623 |
Titus Andronicus | Tragedy | Precis | Titus, Aaron | 1590 | 1594 |
Timon of Athens | Tragedy | Precis | Timon, Apemantus | 1606 | 1623 |
Julius Caesar | Tragedy | Conspirators assasinate Julius Caesar and are then defeated | Brutus, Antony | 1599 | 1623 |
Macbeth | Tragedy | Macbeth seeks to gain the Scottish throne through murder, believing that no man "of woman born" can kill him | Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Banquo | 1605 | 1623 |
Hamlet | Tragedy | Hamlet seeks to avenge the death of his father | Hamlet, Ophelia | 1601 | 1603 |
Troilus and Cressida | Tragedy | Precis | Troilus, Cressida | 1602 | 1609 |
King Lear | Tragedy | Lear foolishly chooses his scheming eldest daughters over Cordelia | Lear, Cordelia, Regan Gloucester, Goneril | 1605 | 1608 |
Othello | Tragedy | Othello is destroyed by his jealous love for Desdemona | Othello, Iago, Desdemona | 1604 | 1622 |
Antony and Cleopatra | Tragedy | Precis | Antony, Cleopatra | 1606 | 1623 |
Cymbeline | Romance | Precis | Imogen, Iachimo | 1609 | 1623 |
† Not included in the First Folio.
- "plays of William Shakespeare" (requires subscription). World Encyclopedia. Philip's, 2005. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Accessed November 7, 2007.
- Terry A. Gray, "Shakespeare's Canon." Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet (website). Accessed November 7, 2007.
- Shakespeare's Sonnets
- Venus and Adonis
- The Rape of Lucrece
- The Passionate Pilgrim
- The Phoenix and the Turtle
- A Lover's Complaint