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In medicine, colonoscopy is a "endoscopic examination, therapy or surgery of the luminal surface of the colon."[1]

Adequately trained nurses may be able to perform this procedure as well as doctors[2], although the cost savings are small[3].


Colonosopy is not perfect and may miss colonic polyps that could lead to colorectal cancer.[4] Several factors affect accuracy and these are part various quality indicators.[5][6]

Operative experience

Colonoscopies performed by a primary care physician may be less accurate.[7] Colonoscopies performed by examiners who have performed a large volume of procedures are better(at least 200 per year)[8][9], perhaps especially if the prior experience was very recent[10]

Bowel cleaning method

Administering the osmotic laxative the morning of the colonoscopy[11], of splitting the administration of the osmotic laxative into a dose the evening before colonoscopy followed by a second dose the morning of the colonoscopy helps[12].

Cecal intubation rates

Operators should intubate 95% of cecums when screening healthy adults.[5]

Withdrawal time

Withdrawing the colonoscopy too fast (less than 6 minutes) may cause missing of important abnormalities.[13]

Adverse effects

Colonoscopy has infrequent severe adverse effects.[14] In a study of 2531 volunteers 50 years of age or older undergoing colonoscopy:[15]


  1. Anonymous (2025), Colonoscopy (English). Medical Subject Headings. U.S. National Library of Medicine.
  2. Williams J, Russell I, Durai D, et al (2009). "Effectiveness of nurse delivered endoscopy: findings from randomised multi-institution nurse endoscopy trial (MINuET)". BMJ 338: b231. PMID 19208714. PMC 2643440[e]
  3. Richardson G, Bloor K, Williams J, et al (2009). "Cost effectiveness of nurse delivered endoscopy: findings from randomised multi-institution nurse endoscopy trial (MINuET)". BMJ 338: b270. PMID 19208715. PMC 2643438[e]
  4. Rex DK, Cutler CS, Lemmel GT, et al (January 1997). "Colonoscopic miss rates of adenomas determined by back-to-back colonoscopies". Gastroenterology 112 (1): 24–8. PMID 8978338[e]
  5. 5.0 5.1 Rex DK, Petrini JL, Baron TH, et al (April 2006). "Quality indicators for colonoscopy". Gastrointest. Endosc. 63 (4 Suppl): S16–28. DOI:10.1016/j.gie.2006.02.021. PMID 16564908. Research Blogging.
  6. The Joint Advisory Group on GI Endoscopy. Standards for Training in Endoscopy. Accessed: March 4, 2009
  7. Bressler B, Paszat LF, Chen Z, Rothwell DM, Vinden C, Rabeneck L (January 2007). "Rates of new or missed colorectal cancers after colonoscopy and their risk factors: a population-based analysis". Gastroenterology 132 (1): 96–102. DOI:10.1053/j.gastro.2006.10.027. PMID 17241863. Research Blogging.
  8. Harewood GC (January 2005). "Relationship of colonoscopy completion rates and endoscopist features". Dig. Dis. Sci. 50 (1): 47–51. PMID 15712636[e]
  9. Bernstein C, Thorn M, Monsees K, Spell R, O'Connor JB (January 2005). "A prospective study of factors that determine cecal intubation time at colonoscopy". Gastrointest. Endosc. 61 (1): 72–5. PMID 15672059[e]
  10. Dafnis G, Granath F, Påhlman L, Hannuksela H, Ekbom A, Blomqvist P (June 2001). "The impact of endoscopists' experience and learning curves and interendoscopist variation on colonoscopy completion rates". Endoscopy 33 (6): 511–7. PMID 11437045[e]
  11. Gupta T, Mandot A, Desai D, Abraham P, Joshi A, Shah S (August 2007). "Comparison of two schedules (previous evening versus same morning) of bowel preparation for colonoscopy". Endoscopy 39 (8): 706–9. DOI:10.1055/s-2007-966375. PMID 17661245. Research Blogging.
  12. Park JS, Sohn CI, Hwang SJ, et al (July 2007). "Quality and effect of single dose versus split dose of polyethylene glycol bowel preparation for early-morning colonoscopy". Endoscopy 39 (7): 616–9. DOI:10.1055/s-2007-966434. PMID 17611916. Research Blogging.
  13. Barclay RL, Vicari JJ, Doughty AS, Johanson JF, Greenlaw RL (December 2006). "Colonoscopic withdrawal times and adenoma detection during screening colonoscopy". The New England journal of medicine 355 (24): 2533–41. DOI:10.1056/NEJMoa055498. PMID 17167136. Research Blogging.
  14. Rabeneck L, Paszat LF, Hilsden RJ, et al (December 2008). "Bleeding and perforation after outpatient colonoscopy and their risk factors in usual clinical practice". Gastroenterology 135 (6): 1899–1906, 1906.e1. DOI:10.1053/j.gastro.2008.08.058. PMID 18938166. Research Blogging.
  15. Johnson CD, Chen MH, Toledano AY, et al (September 2008). "Accuracy of CT colonography for detection of large adenomas and cancers". The New England journal of medicine 359 (12): 1207–17. DOI:10.1056/NEJMoa0800996. PMID 18799557. Research Blogging.