Clausius-Mossotti relation
The Clausius-Mossotti relation connects the relative permittivity εr to the polarizability α of the molecules constituting a chunk of dielectric.
Internal electric field in dielectric
A macroscopic piece of dielectric is placed in an outer electric field E (the z-direction), which polarizes the dielectric, so that a surface charge density is created. Since E "pushes" positive charge and "pulls" negative charge, the sign of the charge density is as is indicated in the figure on the outer surface. The polarization vector P points by definition from negative to positive charge. The surface charge density is in absolute value equal to the magnitude P of the polarization vector P.
A microscopic spherical cavity of radius r is made inside the dielectric; inside the cavity there is vacuum with permittivity (electric constant) ε0. Because of electric neutrality the cavity has the same surface charge density as the outer surface:
A surface element inside the cavity gives a contribution to the internal electric field Ei
The z-component of this field is
Integration over the whole surface gives