USA education, preschool

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In the USA education system there is no clear definition of preschool. The general term is all schooling before 5 yrs old, but even the 5 yr old grade is not standard.

Grade naming

Convention 1

  • 2 year old - Preschool
  • 3 year old - Nursery
  • 4 year old - Kindergarten
  • 5 year old - Pre-1A

Convention 2

  • 3 year old - K3
  • 4 year old - K4
  • 5 year old - K5

Convention 3

  • 1 year old - Infant room
  • 2 year old - Toddler room
  • 3 year old - Nursery
  • 4 year old - Preschool
  • 5 year old - Kindergarten