CZ:Special Topics 2010
Project overview
During July and early August of 2010, groups of 2-4 students will author an article in Citizendium on an "emerging technology" topic (to be pre-approved by the instructors). Students will be expected to include on each article more than one deep web references such as academic (refereed) journals, patent searches, and business surveys. The articles that students will be working on (to be listed below) are not closed to editing by other citizens, but we ask that other authors respect the "ownership" of these articles until after the conclusion of the course. We'd appreciate hearing any comments or suggestions you might have on their respective talk pages, plus the usual correction of grammar or spelling.
- Instructor: Pat Palmer and Dr. Dave Matuszek
- Institution: University of Pennsylvania
- Emails: pgpalmer (at), and matuszek (at)
To participating students
Please feel free to customize your user pages any way you wish. A portion of your course grade will be obtained by participating as an author throughout the CZ:Computers_Workgroup. Feel free (but not required) to add a link to this course on your user page using this code: [[CZ:Special_Topics_2010|Emerging Technologies 2010]]
Articles under development
For each of the articles that students end up working on, instructors should add a line of the form {{r_EZ|Title of the course's article 1}}, which will display as
- Title of your course's article 1 [r]: Add brief definition or description
To create this article in course-specific format, please open this page in a separate window — it will guide you through the process. After each step that takes you away from this course homepage, check back here and reload the page. If you are ready to start this process, then
- Title of your course's article 2 [r]: Add brief definition or description
To create this article in course-specific format, please open this page in a separate window — it will guide you through the process. After each step that takes you away from this course homepage, check back here and reload the page. If you are ready to start this process, then
- Title of your course's article 3 [r]: Add brief definition or description
To create this article in course-specific format, please open this page in a separate window — it will guide you through the process. After each step that takes you away from this course homepage, check back here and reload the page. If you are ready to start this process, then
- Title of your course's article 4 [r]: Add brief definition or description
To create this article in course-specific format, please open this page in a separate window — it will guide you through the process. After each step that takes you away from this course homepage, check back here and reload the page. If you are ready to start this process, then
Once the articles have been created, they will be listed here similar to this example (not from this course):
Education [r]: Learning, teaching, research and scholarship activities for the purpose of organizing, presenting and acquiring knowledge, skills or social norms. [e]
Further information
See Special_Topics_2008, a previous Eduzendium course similar to this one.
Here is the notice that will appear on articles: CZ:Special_Topics_2010/EZnotice