Nuclear power reconsidered/Bibliography

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< Nuclear power reconsidered
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A list of key readings about Nuclear power reconsidered.
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General References

  • World Nuclear Information Library a well-organized authoritative collection of information on nuclear power.
  • Our World in Data has a section on Energy and Environment with nice interactive graphics.
  • Mark Z. Jacobson (2020). 100% Clean, Renewable Energy and Storage for Everything. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 1108790836. 
  • Christopher Clack's Critique of Jacobson's 100% Renewables Proposal Proc. National Academy of Sciences 2017 114 (26) 6722-6727.
  • Derek Abbott, Is Nuclear Power Globally Scalable? Proceedings of the IEEE, October 2011, pp.1611-17. A paper frequently quoted by anti-nuclear advocates, alleging fifteen "fundamental engineering and resource scaling limits that make the notion of a nuclear utopia somewhat impractical".
  • Charles McCombie,,SMRs: a big game changer? Nuclear Engineering International, April 2022, pp.19-23. - A discussion of the political barriers to acceptance of the new reactors.
  • Edwin Lyman, Union of Concerned Scientists, March 2021, Advanced Isn’t Always Better "Assessing the Safety, Security, and Environmental Impacts of Non-Light-Water Nuclear Reactors".



Waste Management

Weapon Proliferation

  • Kryuchkov (2011) 'Isotopic Uranium and Plutonium Denaturing as an Effective Method for Nuclear Fuel Proliferation Protection in Open and Closed Fuel Cycles' How nuclear fuel can be made useless for bombs by denaturing (diluting fissile isotopes with hard-to-separate non-fissile, e.g. diluting U-235 with U-238) and by adding a radiation barrier (isotopes that will make stolen fuel easy to detect, hard to handle, and make a bomb fizzle, not detonate).


Reactor Designs

Notes and References