Killed in action/External Links
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Support for U.S. KIA Families
- USA KIA/DOW Family Foundation (USAKIA) USAKIA, a nonprofit to benefit KIA and DOW families, has memorials and other events.
- National Moment of Remembrance Homepage A government bipartisan committee to honor U.S. KIA, it also wants to put the meaning back into Memorial Day.
- No Greater Love
- AbbreviationZ - The A to Z of Acronyms & Abbreviations on the Net (TM)
- Acronym Finder - over 500,000 definitions for acronyms and abbreviations
- U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) Dictionary
- The Free Dictionary by Farlex: "Acronym Finder allows users to decipher acronyms from a database of over 430,000 entries..."
- Military Words - over 100,000 military and government acronyms
- United Nations (UN) Glossary
- Nolo Press Source of Law on "Homicide"