Sentinel class cutters/Gallery

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A collection of images about Sentinel class cutters.
(PD) Photo: USCG
The USCG's Richard Etheridge, under construction.jpg
(PD) Photo: USCG
Drawing of a sentinel class cutter using her stern launch ramp -a.jpg
(PD) Photo: USCG
Drawing of a sentinel class cutter using her stern launch ramp -b.jpg
(PD) Photo: USCG
(PD) Photo: USCG
(PD) Photo: USCG
(PD) Phoro: USCG
(PD) Photo: USCG
(PD) Photo: USCG
Proposed modification to the Damen Stan patrol vessel for the USCG.jpg
The door to a Sentinel class cutter's stern launching ramp.jpg