Soviet support for Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Soviet support for Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War.
See also changes related to Soviet support for Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War, or pages that link to Soviet support for Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War or to this page or whose text contains "Soviet support for Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War".

Parent topics

  • Iran [r]: Country in the Middle East. [e]
  • Iraq [r]: Country in the Middle East which has borders with Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Jordan and Turkey. [e]
  • Iran-Iraq War [r]: War between Iran and Iraq, 1980-1988, with very high casualties on both sides, but an inconclusive result [e]
  • Soviet Union [r]: A Communist state, which took over the Russian Empire, after the Russian Revolution of 1917 that existed from 1922 to 1991; the major part now extant as the Russian Federation [e]


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