Space debris/Catalogs

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An informational catalog, or several catalogs, about Space debris.

Orbital box score

The orbital box score is a measurement used by NASA to keep track of how many pieces of trackable debris have been produced by the different space powers.[1] These are the most recent scores as of April 2, 2008.[2]

Country/Organization Payloads Rocket Bodies & Debris Total
CIS 1367 2993 4360
US 1085 3195 4280
China 1367 2993 4360
France 45 322 367
Japan 103 70 173
India 34 106 140
ESA 38 36 74
Other 400 93 493
Total 3135 9502 12637


  1. de Selding, Peter. Orbital Debris a Growing Problem with No End in Sight, Space News, 31 July 2006. Retrieved on 2007-08-22.
  2. ["NASA Orbital Debris Program Office"] (April 2008). "Orbital Box Score". Space Debris Quarterly News 12 (2): 9. Retrieved on 2007-08-23.