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 Definition The interdependence of organisms belonging to different species. [d] [e]
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== Notes ==

* {{citation
|title=Symbiosis: an introduction to biological associations
|publisher=Oxford University Press
|location=Oxford [Oxfordshire]
|title=Forum: What's in it for me
|publisher=New Scientist
|last = Boucher
|first = Douglas H
|title = The Biology of Mutualism: Ecology and Evolution
|publisher=Oxford University Press
|location=New York
|last = Cordes
|first = E.E.
|coauthors = Arthur, M.A.; Shea, K.; Arvidson, R.S.; Fisher, C.R.
|year = 2005
|title = Modeling the mutualistic interactions between tubeworms and microbial consortia
|journal = PLoS Biol
|volume = 3
|issue = 3
|pages = 1-10
|accessdate = [[2007-09-23]]
|doi = 10.1371/journal.pbio.0030077
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|title = Evidence That Plant-Like Genes in Chlamydia Species Reflect an Ancestral Relationship between Chlamydiaceae, Cyanobacteria, and the Chloroplast
|journal = Genome Research
|volume = 12
|issue = 8
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|title=The diversity of fishes
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|title=Protein-based phylogenies support a chimeric origin for the eukaryotic genome
|journal=Mol. Biol. Evol.
|id= PMID 7877484
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|title = Balanced mutual use (symbiosis)
|journal = Quarterly journal Biohistory
|volume = 10
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|journal=Annu. Rev. Microbiol.
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|title="Amphiprion percula" (On-line)
|publisher=Animal Diversity Web 
|title=Fungal-plant interactions
|publisher=Chapman & Hall
|title=CB630: Evolution of obligate mutualism
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|last = Moran
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|year = 2006
|title = Symbiosis
|journal = Current Biology
|volume = 16
|issue = 20
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 | last2 = Charles
 | first2 = H.
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 | title = Morphological aspects of symbiosis
 | journal = Symbiosis: Mechanisms and Systems. Dordercht/boson/London, Kluwer Academic Publishers
 | pages = 15-44
 | doi = 10.1007/0-306-48173-1_2
 | accessdate = [[2007-10-12]]
| last=Powell
| first=Jerry 
| year=1992
| journal=Trends in Ecology and Evolution 
| title=Interrelationships of yuccas and yucca moths
 | url = 
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 | editor-last = Ramaiah
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 | last = Nair
 | first = S.
 | year = 2005
 | contribution = Bacterial Associations: Antagonism to Symbiosis
 | url = 
 | accessdate = [[2007-10-12]]
 | publisher=National Institute of Oceanography, Goa
 | pages  = 83-89
| title =  Marine Microbiology: Facets & Opportunities;
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 | year = 1975
 | title = Evolution of Marine Symbiosis--A Simple Cost-Benefit Model
 | journal = Ecology
 | volume = 56
 | issue = 5
 | pages = 1201-1208
 | url = 
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 | doi = 10.1046/j.1420-9101.2000.00157.x
* {{citation
 | last = Saffo
 | first = M.B.
 | year = 1993
 | title = Coming to terms with a field: Words and concepts in symbiosis.
 | journal = Symbiosis.
 | volume = 14
 | issue = 1-3
 | url = 
 | accessdate = [[2007-10-05]]
* {{citation
|title=Origins of sex: three billion years of genetic recombination
|publisher=Yale University Press
|location=New Haven, Conn
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|title=Microcosmos: Four Billion Years of Evolution from Our Microbial Ancestors
|publisher=University of California Press
* {{citation
|title=Evolution by association: a history of symbiosis
|publisher=Oxford University Press
|location=Oxford [Oxfordshire]
 | last=Toller
|first = W. W.
 | title=Repopulation of Zooxanthellae in the Caribbean Corals ''Montastraea annularis'' and ''M. faveolata'' following Experimental and Disease-Associated Bleaching
 | journal=The Biological Bulletin
 | year=2001
 | pages=360-373
 | volume = 201
 | issue = 3
 | url=
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|first=Colin R
|first3=John D.
|title=Ecology: individuals, populations and communities
|publisher=Blackwell Science
 | last = Weiblen
 | first = G.D.
 | year = 2002
 | title = How to be a fig wasp
 | journal = Annual Review of Entomology
 | volume = 47
 | issue = 1
 | pages = 299-330
 | doi = 10.1146/annurev.ento.47.091201.145213
 | last = Wernegreen
 | first = J.J.
 | year = 2004
 | title = Endosymbiosis: lessons in conflict resolution.
 | journal = PLoS Biology
 | volume = 2
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 | pages = e68
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 | doi = 10.1371/journal.pbio.0020068
 | last = Wilkinson
 | first = David M.
 | year = 2001
 | title = At cross purposes
 | journal = Nature
 | volume = 412
 | issue = 6846
 | pages = 485
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For reference generation, we use <references/> at the end. Anywhere where there's a

|last =
|first =
|year =
|title =

It needs to be changed to read {{cite journal}} or {{cite web}} or {{cite magazine}} or {{cite periodical}}.

Additionally each of those citations needs to be placed at the actual citation point. So if I were to say 'Lincon said at Gettysburg, "Hello, I have a tall hat".'<ref>{{cite web|}}</ref> the reference needs to go at the end of the sentence.

--Robert W King 21:43, 12 November 2007 (CST)